Firefox for MOS 2
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    Hey ossian, I don't think that your idea is useless.. Ideas are useful to generate other ideas :-)
    Using two browser, or one if Mozilla was here ;-), could bring an advantage.
    Unfortunately, the project is still a project.. IBrowse 2.4 is only in limited demo version and by the way, hasn't css support, java, flash and so on.
    AWeb is there.... same problem. Voyager disappeared a long time ago...
    Sputnik is here: is still too much limited, but it's here.
    I used Mozilla and Epiphany with Linux: Macromedia doesn't support PowerPC. I tried to install plugins but they don't exist.
    This is the actual situation..
    If I want to browse YouTube, for example, or go to Libero website, I have to use PC (Win or Linux)
    Could be easier start from Marcik work and create a very good browser. But all this needs money, time and men.
    Let's see..
    Anyway, boys: don't shoot against the dove! :-)

    P.S: Spero di non essere sembrato troppo brusco. Non volevo offenderti in alcun modo.
    A volte, sono troppo passionale e magari esagero. Se cos? ? stato, chiedo scusa :)
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
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  • »04.07.08 - 22:26
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 123 from 2004/7/31
    From: Italy
    I can only say that, If I can't use MOS to web navigation which use I can do with that? I mean, I don't asking to make video editing or so, just only could see the web sites as well. If Sputnik will never get Flash plugin I will never visite many sites. I don't mean I want Firefox and nothing else, Safari or Opera are good as well, because I see that MOS applications carnet is very very thin.

    at Jambalah :
    Non mi hai offeso affatto, tutto ok :-) E' che non capisco perch? i ragazzi della community si chiudano in questo modo, non siamo una societ? segreta percui pi? software gira so MOS meglio ?. Questo integralismo non lo capisco. Perfino la Apple ha inglobato ormai Linux nel suo OS perci? perch? questa paura di contaminazione?
  • »04.07.08 - 22:46
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 123 from 2004/7/31
    From: Italy
    well, now I stop here and go on "the stupid thing like Second Life" as srbin says, because I'm not a normal, social person ;-)

    take care all
  • »04.07.08 - 22:52
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 44 from 2006/11/23
    From: Serbia
    I stay at my words; get a real beer, not a 'digittaly remastered' one.

    Sounds cool, right? :)
    May the force be with you. Don't let the dark side of PC take over you.
  • »04.07.08 - 23:32
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1069 from 2003/3/24
    From: Hamburg/Germany
    If you want a Firefox Port you need more then just to Port Firefox or Mozilla to MOS you need afaik GTK or another Linux GUI, Port or Wrapper. And both Firefox and the GUI Part are huge Projekts even with 10 or so Coders working fulltime they would need 1 year or maybe longer to Port it. And there for we just need to wait till Marcik finshed Sputink (the GUI for the KHTML engine) and then we got a modern Browser that only lacks Java-VM and Flash.
    The engine works great only the GUI "Sputnik" is yet not ready to handle everything needed to show all websites without problems.
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5 running UWQHD Resolution
  • »04.07.08 - 23:47
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19

    If you want a Firefox Port you need more then just to Port Firefox or Mozilla to MOS you need afaik GTK or another Linux GUI, Port or Wrapper. And both Firefox and the GUI Part are huge Projekts even with 10 or so Coders working fulltime they would need 1 year or maybe longer to Port it.

    And don`t forget that such a port would *still* lack java and flash, thus won`t bring any benefit over sputnik.
  • »05.07.08 - 00:00
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles
    Hmm.. too bad zapek wasnt around anymore he coded some flash support into vger like 7 years ago! I thought someone was working on a port of flash..
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  • »05.07.08 - 00:43
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  • HAK
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 225 from 2003/2/24
    From: Austria, Vienna
    Hi srbin,


    srbin wrote:
    Question: Does sputnik support opening links in new tabs like mozila? Ie to press middle mouse button on link and new tab is opened?


    Bye HAK
  • »05.07.08 - 00:49
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 41 from 2006/12/31
    I guess if you have the free choice (which I think we all do in this matter) you should evaluate any OS based on what it can deliver, here and now, and what your needs are.

    MOS2 obviously doesn't live up to your expectations yet, so simply do not buy it.

    I think some people miss the point of using MOS (at this moment in time). We really should just enjoy this fantastic and unique platform and do what we can to encourage the few developers we do have. I'm not saying they are Saints that cannot be criticized. Sure we can moan, but we should moan with reason. To demand a FireFox port "in the mean time" shows zero reasoning or a complete lack of understanding. Like others have said, a FF port is a MONSTER job. Trust us on this one.

    The MOS team are keeping the dream alive and for many years have been exceeding my expectations from such a small group of Devs. Marciek is doing a FANTASTIC job with Sputnik, truly wonderful. He's like a one-man army all by himself! :-)

    Try not to demotivate these guys.

    [ Edited by Arkanoid on 2008/7/5 1:49 ]
    Amiga A1200/Blizzard 060/SCSI-Kit/OS 3.9
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  • »05.07.08 - 02:40