Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
From: Roma, Italy
Hey ossian, I don't think that your idea is useless.. Ideas are useful to generate other ideas
Using two browser, or one if Mozilla was here
, could bring an advantage.
Unfortunately, the project is still a project.. IBrowse 2.4 is only in limited demo version and by the way, hasn't css support, java, flash and so on.
AWeb is there.... same problem. Voyager disappeared a long time ago...
Sputnik is here: is still too much limited, but it's here.
I used Mozilla and Epiphany with Linux: Macromedia doesn't support PowerPC. I tried to install plugins but they don't exist.
This is the actual situation..
If I want to browse YouTube, for example, or go to Libero website, I have to use PC (Win or Linux)
Could be easier start from Marcik work and create a very good browser. But all this needs money, time and men.
Let's see..
Anyway, boys: don't shoot against the dove!
P.S: Spero di non essere sembrato troppo brusco. Non volevo offenderti in alcun modo.
A volte, sono troppo passionale e magari esagero. Se cos? ? stato, chiedo scusa :)
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Powermac G5 dual 2.7 ghz I'll be back...
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