MorphOS + MOLK + MOSNet + Envoy3 mount problems
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27

    I installed molk on a 2nd HD in the Peg2 with osx. Everything seems to work fine exept that after quitting osx and molk and having made a reset of the Peg2, MOSNet want work anymore neither does Envoy3 connect to the other Peg's in the LAN.

    I had a close look to the config files of molk and commented out everything which concerns IP adresses etc. but MOSNet and Envoy still refuse to work.

    It seems that molk (or osx, or even both) change something in the Peg's ethernet connection or so????

    To have the Peg, with MorphOS and MOSNet and Envoy3 working again I have to delete MOSNet from the WBStartup drawer, delete as well the mountfiles for Envoy in Devs/Dosdrivers, reset the Peg, copy the mountfiles for Envoy3 back to Devs/Dosdrivers, start manually MOSNet and copy it back to the WBStartup drawer and reset the Peg. After that it works again.

    Has anyone an idea how to tell molk or/and osx not to touch the ethernet port.

    Any suggestions are wellcome.


  • »04.07.07 - 05:04
    Profile Visit Website
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...
    ..or just disable shutdown/reset in the molk script (then do a manual reset after OSX has shut down) which is what causes the VIA to shut down in the first place.

    Doing so is also useful every time you run an upgrade and have to reboot OSX, as you'll get dumped into the Linux console and can just type "startmol -X" to boot again instead of doing a complete reboot...

    - CISC
  • »04.07.07 - 08:50