MOS native Installer
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 110 from 2004/4/7

    some very basic notepad alike editor

    Try JanoEditor from Aminet. Don't get mislead by the name which I think kind of scares people away from trying out. It's a nice little editor similiar to editor of HSPascal. It's also open source and in AROS it is used as the OS provided editor (SYS:Tools/Editor).
  • »06.03.07 - 11:57
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    JanoEditor is terribly buggy...
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »06.03.07 - 12:45
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 114 from 2003/2/26
    From: Aachen, Germany

    got a Golded AIX, and I'm interesting about differents Cubic IDE

    Differences depend on which version you have, GoldED AIX was offered over years. The first versions are only marginally better than GoldED6. The final versions are similar to Cubic. The remaining differences of the last AIX version in comparison to Cubic are listed in the release notes (link). Some points from that document:

    - Cubic's plug-in interfaces supports tabbed plug-ins. In AIX, each plug-in consumes screen real estate while Cubic can put them over each other. As a consequence, Cubic can load more plug-ins. This was used to integrate reference books into the user interface (the C mode got The C Book, which makes it an ideal C learning environment, HTML mode got books on PHP and CSS).

    - AIX opens a new window for every text. Cubic can have all texts in one window via a tabbed interface.

    - Visual improvements concerning containers, scrollers, fonts etc.

    - C/C++ package is up-to-date: compilers, syntax highlighting, included SDKs etc.

    - Several new or improved add-ons. For example, the new Installer add-on can generate complex Installer scripts, no knowledge of Installer required. Contributed programs from Guido Mersman have improved some add-ons greatly (for example the guide checker, which runs below the edited guide and analyzes errors).

    If you have GoldED AIX installed and want to try Cubic, make a backup of s:user-startup, then remove all lines related to AIX or devkits, reboot and install Cubic. Cubic installs everything into its own directory except for the "appicon", which goes into wbstartup. To revert back to GoldED AIX, uninstall Cubic with its removal program, restore old s:user-startup, reboot.
  • »06.03.07 - 12:52
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland

    JanoEditor is terribly buggy...

    It's also open source, so why don't you fix it? :-D
  • »06.03.07 - 13:51
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 110 from 2004/4/7

    JanoEditor is terribly buggy...

    Examples? Maybe try compiling a version from current sources in AROS (AROS/workbench/tools/Edit/).
  • »06.03.07 - 19:10
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 265 from 2005/8/25
    I'm not very sure about this because the news were posted many months ago, but i think that MicroGoldED was released for free. I tried to fetch it but the link doesn't anymore:
    Can anyone upload it somewhere?
    Amiga 1200 user.
  • »06.03.07 - 20:17
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 199 from 2003/9/6
    From: Poland / Lodz
    look into Dietmar "user about". Go here:
    Kaczus/BlaBla & AUG-Lodz Happy Pegasos User
  • »06.03.07 - 20:36
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 265 from 2005/8/25
    Thank you :-)
    Amiga 1200 user.
  • »06.03.07 - 21:06
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 114 from 2003/2/26
    From: Aachen, Germany
    > Can anyone upload it somewhere?

    Kaczus already gave the link. I'd like to add that files from my site may not be uploaded anywhere, free or not, they are copyrighted (occasionally free, never freeware).
  • »06.03.07 - 21:12
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    I tried 68k release on A1200 few years ago and about every function crashed, most notably GUI part of it. I'm gonna check the latest version on MorphOS when my net access is restored...

    [ Edited by itix on 2007/3/7 16:06 ]
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »07.03.07 - 14:05
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1178 from 2003/3/13
    From: Pinto, Madrid ...
    Going back to the installer issue, I keep having problems with the publicly available Installer that I downloaded from Aminet.
    In every case, it complains about not having set the "Script" tooltype, even if I've done so. Also it still complains about not having other (unnamed) parameters, when I call installer from CLI (changing directory to the install script path, then issuing "Installer Script=ScriptName").
    So, what's wrong? Is Ambient unable to pass the tooltypes correctly to this program? What does it need from the command line? Are there alternatives for this program?
  • »15.03.07 - 09:30
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 114 from 2003/2/26
    From: Aachen, Germany
    1. Have you tried a more recent version (the one inccluded in the OS3.9 NDK under "tools/")?

    2. Are you sure you are executing the latest installer, not an older version in the command path? If you enter "installer" in a shell, it should respond with "Installer 44.10 etc".
  • »15.03.07 - 17:13
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 444 from 2006/11/16
    From: The Netherlands
    I have tried several editors including jano but all refuse too print text.
    Or iff they do print it takes about 4 minutes before the printing starts.
    What would be nice would be a proggie for quick typing little messages and which would print ok.
    Just like notepad..
    Powerbook 5,4 1.5GHz 1.5GB ram
  • »17.03.07 - 08:18