RC5-72, "the key to MorphOS 1.5" and "1.5 more weeks"
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 54 from 2007/2/6
    Ok, this is an ad often at the top of Morphzone.

    This site:


    says "MorphOS 1.5 is still a long time away from getting released to the average user. The reason for this evil are indeed not the missing parts of programs or a lack of motivation in the MorphOS core development team ... there can be only one obvious reason! And that is stipulated clearly and precisely by figures in the CPU/OS Statistik of the Distributed.net RC5-72 project."

    I get from the site its an app to lend computing power from your machine to certain development efforts. But its not very clear what they are trying to say here. I take it this paragraph in some way is joking, or that its just extremely outdated as the text seems to be from the year 2004?

    For a newbie looking to learn about MorphOS old links with outdated info and slogans like "1.5 weeks" where you need to be "in the know" about their background I think maybe are not the best way to promote the OS to new users. Just trying to offer that in a manner trying to be try to be constructive (because I am a newbie who is looking forward to running it on an Efika).

    Can someone explain what role if any RC5-72 still has and what this "2 more weeks" and "1.5 more weeks" thing means? I take it the 1.5 one is a play on words of the first one for version 1.5, but I don't know the history on "2 more weeks".

  • »13.02.07 - 20:44
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 209 from 2003/3/3
    From: Preston, Wa
    "Two More Weeks"

    Was a promise from Amiga, Inc's CEO, Bill McEwen about the release date for Amiga OS 4, coded by European company Hyperion Entertainment VOF, who were sold a license to the name by Amiga. This promise was made in what, 2001? (Someone help me out here, I think it was 2001..) OS 4 Final Release just came out in December of 2006. Unfortunately, they haven't got any new hardware on which to run it :-(

    The RC5 paragraph is a joke, a gentle nudge at the MOS team for 1.5 taking its time being released :-) Along with an encouragement to run the RC5 cleint under team MOS' banner, of course :-P

    At one time, tensions ran high between MorphOS crew and Amiga,Inc. as certain Amiga management personnel were under the impression that MOS' Amiga compatibility was gained through stolen Amiga source code, which isn't true. The Amiga API was reverse engineered from Workbench 2.0 documentation, publically available from Commodore. It has since been greatly extended by the MorphOS crew, Hyperion themselves doing OS 4, and the community at large.

    I'm sure others will expand on/correct my text here.
  • »14.02.07 - 00:18
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 54 from 2007/2/6
    Thanks Tronman.

    I think it would be nice then (for the benefit of us all) if some links could be cleaned up a bit. I think the RC5 paragraph as a for instance could accidently be mistaken as not a joke. Why scare off any potential new users thinking its way, way off for version 1.5?

    I think it sucks that the Amiga-like scene has so much "political intrigue" history in many ways.

    Again under a similar thought pattern I'm not sure its so great to use "1.5" more weeks" as a slogan as it can confuse potential new users. Also, frankly why associate the OS with anything (albeit a parody) that Mr. McEwen once said? Inside jokes can have their comedic value but why not display MorphOS more as a forward moving thing, rather than making the slogan based on an ancient inside joke.

    Another example of a confusing outdated link is this one:


    which links from:


    Meanwhile in a goodle search you have to scroll down to get to the current site of:


    The first site says the OS is DEAD. :(

    I'm really excited to run 1.5 when its out. And I'd like to see as many new users joining in as possible. So I'm just posting this trying to be helpful, not to complain in any way. I'm not sure who has access to edit any of these things but I thought it was worth mentioning since I'm looking at these sites as an interested new user. :-)
  • »14.02.07 - 03:03
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24


    Can someone explain what role if any RC5-72 still has and what this "2 more weeks" and "1.5 more weeks" thing means? I take it the 1.5 one is a play on words of the first one for version 1.5, but I don't know the history on "2 more weeks".

    The RC5-72 was a little joke at the time. But fact is that many people installed the RC5-72 client because of this! :-)

    OS4 (and a lot of other things related to Amiga Inc and Hyperion) has "always" (kind of ;-)) been "just another two weeks away". I guess MorphOS being just 1.5 weeks away makes it better than OS4 in that area as well? ;-) :-P


    Another example of a confusing outdated link is this one:


    which links from:


    Only David Gerber's (the owner of that site) involvement in the OS died. In the beginning, there was plenty of funding coming into the MorphOS project from Genesi (or Thendic). At one point, due to a crisis beyond Genesi's control, the money stream stopped, and because of that (and much because of the poor way it was handled by Genesi) Gerber went off like a loose cannon, jumped ship, and tried to make as much damage to the MorphOS project and Genesi as possible in the process. That's what the morphos.net site is about. But also note that this was many years ago and in a way the site has lost its relevance and purpose since then, and many of the claims on that page has been proven to be outright lies anyway (MorphOS being dead is only one of them)! ;-)
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »14.02.07 - 07:06