fat16 hd partiton to exchange data between MorphOS and MacOS
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2004/11/27
    I have successfully installed PegXmac on the Peg2. Now I have to exchange/transfer images from and to the Mac from MorphOS. The author of PegXmac suggested to setup a fat16 hd partiton which can then be used under MorhOS and MacOSX but I dont know how to set it up.

    Any help would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
  • »30.08.05 - 06:10
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  • mk
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2004/5/24
    From: Germany Gera
    Install fat95 (Aminet:disk/misc/fat95.lha 09.08.2004) to MorphOS.

    short install:
    fat95 to Sys:L/
    messydisk.device to Sys:Devs/
    and to Sys:Devs/DosDrivers the Mountfile.

    And fat95 is not only FAT16! FAT32 work be me with no problem (read and write whit long Filenames and correct Flags! The Partitions formated on Win2k.)

    Here are mountfiles that work on my Peg2/G4 (60Giga Maxtor on the secundary ide as master with 2 primary 32/28Giga FAT32 Partitions):

    Mountfile1 name: FAT21 (for 1.primary partition on master secundary ide)

    Filesystem = L:fat95
    Device = ide.device
    Unit = 2
    Flags = 0x0
    LowCyl = 0
    BufMemType = 0x1
    MaxTransfer = 0x7FFFFFFF
    Mask = 0xFFFFFFFE
    BootPri = 0
    DosType = 0x46415401
    StackSize = 8192
    Priority = 5
    GlobVec = -1
    Buffers = 1024
    Mount = 1

    Iconfile FAT21.info Tooltype:

    Mountfile1 name: FAT22 (for 2.primary partition on master secundary ide)

    Filesystem = L:fat95
    Device = ide.device
    Unit = 2
    Flags = 0x0
    LowCyl = 0
    BufMemType = 0x1
    MaxTransfer = 0x7FFFFFFF
    Mask = 0xFFFFFFFE
    BootPri = 0
    DosType = 0x46415402
    StackSize = 8192
    Priority = 5
    GlobVec = -1
    Buffers = 1024
    Mount = 1

    Iconfile FAT22.info Tooltype:

    [ Edited by mk on 2005/8/30 15:43 ]
  • »30.08.05 - 07:28
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 342 from 2003/6/29
    You can use giggledisk to create the mountfiles.
    Pegasos PPC
  • »30.08.05 - 09:21
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2004/11/27

    yes I understand all you suggested but how do I format a fat16 or fat32 partiton under MorphOS (or is this not possible).

    What I have on the hd is, 1st the linux stuff from PegXmac with MOL and a 5 GB partion for MacOSX. The HD is a 80 GB Maxtor. Now what I would like is to have a say 3 GB fat16 or fat32 partiton which could be called "exchage" or so in order to mount this partiton under MorphOS as well as MacOSX.

    To all, thanks again for your help.


  • »30.08.05 - 15:17
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 42 from 2005/7/30
    From: Romania/Timisoara

    I try this...have a 80G hdd started with 500mb ffs for boot,5.5 gb MorphOS affs,2.5Gb Work affs,45 Gb fat32 for sharing between linux and macosx,20 gb linux ubuntu 5.10,nd finaly 2 gb for swap.

    Under Linux and MacOSX i see the fat32 partition but under MOS don't
    I used another hdd formated with pc on ide3 port and works.

    In format menu from MOS this partition appear unformated MSDOS hardfile system...

    I try to format this ppc: with format menu and all my 80g hdd formated instantly and lost all partition..

    Any tips?
    G4/1GHz,1GB DDRam,Ati Radeon 9250 128Mb
    MorphOS 2.0 demo
    Molk with MacOSX 10.4.9 Tiger
    iMac 27" 2007 2,16 MHz,1,5 Gb Ram OSX 10.6.5
    AppleTv 40Gb with external 160Gb HDD
  • »22.09.06 - 21:46
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  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2004/11/27

    I made you some screen grabs of how I set it up. What I do though is to share data on a fat32 partition between macos and MorphSO.

    Both os's can see the "P4MM" partition and of cours write to it.


  • »23.09.06 - 06:44
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