Quake problems
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 74 from 2006/8/30
    I'm trying to get Quake to run on my PegII. I've got the id1 folder from the PC version.

    I've tried GLQuake, but the launchers give me an error that I need a host name. I ran the executable from the shell with the command line option "ip=" and it opened the screen, but then quit with some memory allocation error (even though I've got loads available).

    I then tried QuakeMOS which loads, but the graphics in any screenmode higher than 640x480 are fked: everything is squashed up one side of the screen and black and white. The same screenmode in Ambient displays fine.

    Hopefully someone can help me to get one of these version of Quake running. Also, is there a Quake II binary for MorphOS?


  • »07.09.06 - 09:21
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland

    I've tried GLQuake, but the launchers give me an error that I need a host name.

    It doesn't work if you don't get a valid hostname from TCP/IP (or somehow specify one yourself)

    Try if it works when you have no TCP/IP running. That way it should DEFINITELY work...
  • »07.09.06 - 11:31
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 168 from 2005/8/25
    From: West of PARIS
    Use Bigfoot FuhQuake instead of ...



    [ Edited by CLS2086 on 2006/9/7 13:01 ]
    Keep the Faith !
    VG 5000/A1000/500/500+/600/2000/1200PPC-GREX/1200PPC-ATEO/1200+1230-IVFPUSCSI/CD32/Pegasos 1 April1 G3/Pegasos 2 G4/ Ahtlon/K6-3/various funny machines too :-)
    Maybe one day a G4 AmigaONE when they will be debugged and without April...
  • »07.09.06 - 12:01
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20
    You can find Quake II here.
  • »07.09.06 - 12:27
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 510 from 2003/4/11

    Use Bigfoot FuhQuake instead of ...


    Fuhquake is indeed the way to go unless you really require Netquake(original variant of Quake) support.

    If you want to play online and don't know the difference, what you want is Quakeworld, which is what Fuhquake is. If you want to play regular Quake single player, Fuhquake is also good. What Fuhquake can't do is play on Netquake servers (of which there aren't many anyway) and it can't use old regular Quake mods.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username]@asgaard.morphos-team.net, where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »07.09.06 - 15:32
    Profile Visit Website
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 74 from 2006/8/30
    Thanks guys - got FuhQuake working. It runs really well! I'll try Quake II later :-)

  • »07.09.06 - 16:31