SFS problem ( Now with error Code)
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 138 from 2004/4/9
    From: The Netherlands
    I have the next problem with SFS:-?

    I included a screen grab with the error mesage

    I wil validate that partition how do I that?

    ******************** error mesage **********************
    "Smart Filesystem request"
    Volume "Work"(DH1: ide.device, unit 0)

    There was an error while accesing this volume:

    General device is in an invalid state.

    errorcode = 45
    io_Command = 24
    io_Offset = -1398828544
    io_Length = 16384
    io_Actual = 16384

    greetings Cor van Londen.

    [ Edited by pegasosuser on 2005/9/11 14:36 ]
    PEGASOSII G4@1Ghz Registered MorphOS2.5 & AmigaOS4.1 1024DDRam ATI RADEON9250-256Mb(128Bit) Creatieve Soundblaster Live! 2 x HD MAXTOR U-ATA133 160Gb 8Mb-Cache Plextor DVDR +- RW 708A 2Mb Buffer ONLY PEGASOS MAKE IT POSSIBLE!
  • »10.09.05 - 09:34
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 901 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    This is the actual screengrab; suggestions anyone?


    Double post

    [ Edited by Stevo on 2005/9/12 0:37 ]
  • »11.09.05 - 22:35
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 901 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    This is the actual screengrab; suggestions anyone?
  • »11.09.05 - 22:35
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    @all: you only can see the attached screenshots when you're logged in. No idea why... hope targhan will find a solution for the screenshot problem ;)

    Sadly I have no idea about the SFS problem... my tip: copy data from that partition to some other partition. then format the broken partition and copy data back to it.

  • »12.09.05 - 09:39
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 231 from 2005/6/2
    From: Asturies, Spain
    I had exactly the same error. Even more, I had the error in the same partition (DH1:) and also called the same way "Work" :P.

    It happened just after trying Dosbox. It crashed, and when I rebooted, morphos started complaining about that partition. After n error windows, I decided to reboot again.

    This time, everything went fine, except by some extrange artifacts in the desktop (some spots on the desktop didn't show what the should).

    Rebooted again, and it started ok, but the mouse didn't repond. Was enought for me, so I turned my peg off, and waited for the magical amiga circuit-repair workers to fix it.

    Waited about ten minutes, and everything went ok again. I have made a back-up of the partition, but the error went away... I'll tell you if I get it again.
  • »12.09.05 - 14:15
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 3 from 2005/11/2
    I have it too! It happens while accesing big files (VM etc.).
    Do you have problems with formatting SFS partitions? I have initializations problems... I don't know what to do... Reformat partitions to FFS again? system partition (in FFS) is the only one that makes no such problems.
  • »02.11.05 - 09:34
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2004/8/2
    From: Toulouse, France
    Hello guys!

    I have had a problem with SFS also: I installed a second hard drive (250 Go), defined several partitions and had them formatted in SFS.
    Everything went fine except that when I took a closer look at the available size of the partitions I noticed it was significantly lower than what it should have been by a factor of two at least!!!

    I tried to format again - did not solve; tried an SFS tool - did not change anything.

    So in the end I formatted the partitions with FFS...:-(
    PegasosII G4 - 512 Mb - Voodoo 3
    Amiga 1200/603e - 256 Mb - BVision
  • »15.11.05 - 17:32
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 231 from 2005/6/2
    From: Asturies, Spain
    Something simmilar happened to me. It was an issue with the way that SCSIConfig reads the fisical information on the disk. Try anything until the Used Sectors and the Total sectors fields show the same value. After that, at least to me, everything went fine.

    I had some troubles too with MBR, but I finished by deleting it on my P4 :P.
  • »15.11.05 - 20:01
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 7 from 2003/5/2

    I have had the same problem today.

    I have bought a new Samsung 80GB HD and
    didnt first manage it to format especially initialize
    the HD.

    I got the same errorcode 45. I have tried everything,
    but nothing works.

    So i decided to drink a tea and watch soccer...

    And then I remembered, that there is a mysterious
    bug, when you put the HD on the same IDE cable
    where the cdrom is.

    So i put the HD on the IDE cable where my boot HD is.

    And then it works ! :-)



    [ Edited by bigwoowa on 2006/7/1 22:11 ]
  • »01.07.06 - 19:51
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