Help me! :)
Poll: Help tokai to find a decision...
Ended on 22.06.2006 - 23:26:51
» new version of mr.banana
2 %
2.33 % (1)
» new version of statline (requested by hooligan)
13 %
13.95 % (6)
» a port of some random program
16 %
16.28 % (7)
» new version of some other of my programs (specify below)
2 %
2.33 % (1)
» something else (specify below, but do not request new browser or stuff like that ;)
11 %
11.63 % (5)
» do some work on ambient
18 %
18.60 % (8)
» do something for healt and go biking
9 %
9.30 % (4)
» annoy laire (a bit every day)
16 %
16.28 % (7)
» post a lot over at
9 %
9.30 % (4)
Total Voters: 43

  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    Hi, my name is tokai and some of you know me maybe from the #morphos channel on or as author of the most famous MorphOS program ever: Moo (yes, the evil trojan.. eh' u don't know it? wtf.)... and if you don't know me... well doesn't matter ;-)

    Anyway... I have some time at my hands next week and no idea yet what I shall do. So it is up to you to help me to decide. :-)
  • »15.06.06 - 23:26
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 207 from 2003/2/20
    From: Oberhausen/Ger...

    bump :-)
  • »01.07.06 - 10:51