Using E-UAE with AIAB (amiga in a box)
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles
    Hello morphians

    I'm pretty much a Euae noob (just ran in a few times) I'm about to start a fresh install of E-Uae on Morphos. Any tips on configuration or how to e.g speed optimization, flags, etc.

    I'm also interested in using AIAB or soemthing similar so I can have a ready to go Amiga install. I really want to be able to use Pixel Pro 3d and Vista Pro 3 on my peg. Also, older games like Sensible Soccer and others.

    How is the speed with a G4? Faster than 030 for productivity? is the FPU emulated? Is Sensible Soccer playable? What about AGA demos?

    Can you guys please post your stories about using Euae on
    Morph as well as what apps/games/demos run well?


    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »21.06.06 - 18:11
    Profile Visit Website
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 46 from 2003/4/27
    Hello Magnetic!
    I am very fond of e-uae, too, so I've tried my best to make it the most usable.
    I've experimented amikit, amigasys2 and 3 and aiab.
    Aiab is, by far, the most usable of the three, but still to slow to be actually useful.
    As far as I am concerned I suggest you stick to a plain wb 3.1 install, or, if yoy reallly need something more attractive, a 3.9 plain install.
    Then whdload or custom hardfiles will do the job for most of the games you need.
    Try to avoid patches in wb startup, otherwise you may get some problems in emulation.
    Of course if you feel the need of a higher-resolution wb with 16 or 24 bit screen and picasso emulation (uaegfx) you only can use the sdl version of e-uae (no overlay, then).
    If aga emulation for you is enough, the non-sdl port is slighly faster.
    All this, of course, is well known.

    In the end, in my opinion the Amiga forever custom wb is the easier and faster solution. No actual tuning needed to make it work properly.

    Feel free to ask something more specific, as every issue with e-uae configs has its own story...

  • »22.06.06 - 06:42