MorphOS softwares - still a long way to go
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1214 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France
    We are all aware that even if MorphOS hasn't evolved much during the last year (as an OS, i'm not talking about ambient and stuff), we had fantastic softwares showing up and MorphOS is close to have a decent software collection to fulfill our various needs. (MOSnet, Blender, Poseidon, wookiechat etc.)
    thus, there are still some important software missing in my opinion, softwares that should get beyond the old amiga legacy. This list is refelcting my own opinion and may not reflect the community needs but please let's discuss about it.

    - FTP client - something more modern that AmiFTP or ATC, by current standards.

    - P2P filesharing - we have a lot of them but by reading forums and by my own experience it's hard to find something that actually works.

    - Web browser - alright KHTML is on the way.

    - Instant Messaging - jabberwockie is far from being userfriendly and has poor features and GUI. We deserve something as good as GAIM at least, even Epistula on OS4 is better than jabberwockie.

    - Email client - Simple Mail could be fine but the GUI is just from another age. I still use thunderbird under linux.

    you're free to add or discuss the list, please don't take it as easy criticism, i'm only trying to see what we get and see what we need. I saw great things happening to us lately and i'd love to see more :)
  • »11.06.06 - 17:03
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 148 from 2003/3/4
    From: #amigazeux
    "- FTP client - something more modern that AmiFTP or ATC, by current standards."

    Are you talking about an updated/new RFC here?
  • »11.06.06 - 18:15
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 736 from 2003/2/24
    From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...

    maybe he is thinking in SSH stuff like SFTP support in addition to normal FTP. It would be useful to upload stuff to sourceforge without touching the command line for example
  • »11.06.06 - 22:16
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 148 from 2003/3/4
    From: #amigazeux

    Crumb wrote:

    maybe he is thinking in SSH stuff like SFTP support in addition to normal FTP. It would be useful to upload stuff to sourceforge without touching the command line for example

    Yeah, maybe, maybe not. Nothing specific is not known but it must be modern of course.
  • »12.06.06 - 08:11
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary

    - FTP client - something more modern that AmiFTP or ATC, by current standards.

    I think ATC is good enough, but I agree you that SFTP support and some minor bugfixes are required.

    What I really need is an improved FTP.device. The current version doesn't work with Ambient and some older program's requester.


    - P2P filesharing - we have a lot of them but by reading forums and by my own experience it's hard to find something that actually works.

    Agree. There are no usable torrent clients (or I don't know about).


    - Web browser - alright KHTML is on the way.

    Most important one, of course. Can't live without it. ;)


    - Instant Messaging - jabberwockie is far from being userfriendly and has poor features and GUI. We deserve something as good as GAIM at least, even Epistula on OS4 is better than jabberwockie.

    Totally agree. I'm currently using AmIRC with a BitlBee gateway - there is no file excange, user pictures, etc. A modern GAIM-based IM client with MUI GUI would be really good for me.


    - Email client - Simple Mail could be fine but the GUI is just from another age. I still use thunderbird under linux.

    I think SimpleMail and YAM are good enough (I think when KHTML mui class will be done, YAM's going to have full HTML mail support too.), I'm satisfied with them.

    My personal whishlist:

    - Working FTP server with GUI (like rcFTPd, but more stable one)

    - Fast DVD player with menu support

    - Working and stable image editing program, like Pixel.

    [ Edited by GK_LKA on 2006/6/12 9:22 ]
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »12.06.06 - 08:21
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland

    - P2P filesharing - we have a lot of them but by reading forums and by my own experience it's hard to find something that actually works.

    As I've said many times, totally unlike the port of the official bittorrent client, mldonkey works very well for me.

    On the other hand, if you just meant to say "there's no GUI", just say so. I'm quite happy with browser & telnet interfaces, but would of course welcome a nice MUI GUI aswell.


    - Instant Messaging - jabberwockie is far from being userfriendly and has poor features and GUI. We deserve something as good as GAIM at least, even Epistula on OS4 is better than jabberwockie.

    As with on any platform, I rather use an IRC client. And AmIRC and Wookieechat are both "good enough" for me. Also there's a way to use instant messaging via IRC client, but don't know how it works, or if it could work on amirc. Even if I could use them, instant messagers are totally useless :-)

    modern movie players

    At least for me, mplayer is "modern enough". It plays all the basic formats - avi, ogm, mkv and mpg - and that's enough for me. OK, it doesn't have a GUI, but I generally like keyboard controls & simple overlay display better. Of course it would be nice to have a GUI for selecting audio & subtitle tracks from ogm & mkv files, and I've been working on something like that.

    Oh, DVD playback could be better too, if someone needs that.
  • »12.06.06 - 09:13
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 231 from 2005/6/2
    From: Asturies, Spain

    Even if I could use them, instant messagers are totally useless

    I can't remember last time I called from my home phone line since I use IM :P


    doesn't have a GUI, but I generally like keyboard controls & simple overlay display better.

    I would like to have a big-fat movie player, with drag and drop file queue, and a constant GUI... but this is just a question of likeness ;). Anyway, I'm very happy with mplayer.
  • »12.06.06 - 10:25
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 265 from 2005/8/25

    - P2P filesharing - we have a lot of them but by reading forums and by my own experience it's hard to find something that actually works.

    mldonkey actually works, as Jupp3 said! What the thing really needs is a GUI. (Oh, and maybe a more recent build for MOS) You can get a GUI by using a web browser but it's a very basic and primitive one.


    - Web browser - alright KHTML is on the way

    Right ;-)


    - Instant Messaging - jabberwockie is far from being userfriendly and has poor features and GUI. We deserve something as good as GAIM at least, even Epistula on OS4 is better than jabberwockie.

    I don't know what features GAIM has, but i always thought that webcam support is an important feature which all Amiga IM clients lack, while pc clients has it since ages.


    - Email client - Simple Mail could be fine but the GUI is just from another age. I still use thunderbird under linux

    SimpleMail looks good enough to me.

    [ Edited by AmigaMancer on 2006/6/12 17:21 ]
    Amiga 1200 user.
  • »12.06.06 - 15:17
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    For IM clients I use the Amiga AIM client. Since I am a Mac user as well I have most of my friends on AIM through iChat and the accounts work perfect on the Pegasos with the AIM client. Its not bad at all.

    Simplemail is awesome, its got everything a good email client should have. Spam filters, multiple accounts, webmail checks, all you need.

    Web browser? Well Aweb is now my default, its native, fast, shows most pages and has good secure page functions. I can do my online banking with it even. I would love to see KHTML come out soon, but I think its still a long way off, and once its complete it will still need to be integrated into something so we need to wait for that.

    p2p clients, well I dont use them for any Amiga or MorphOS apps so I fail to see the point. I guess for those that use the Pegasos as the only system they have would need it, but I also have a Mac and I have the most current built of Ubuntu on my Pegasos as well. Its simple to just use that.

    Movie player, well I agree we need something with a lot more modern then what we have now. The problm is we have very few developers and the ones we have now are working on things. You cant expect them to just go and work all the time on MOS software, they have other lives and MOS apps dont pay bills. We need to get new people on the platform and get them working on new software.
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  • »12.06.06 - 17:44
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 423 from 2005/4/9
    From: magyarorszag/h...
    hi to all.

    my list of wishes:

    - a good movie player with GUI!! its really important i think ( for selecting aspect ratios, subtitles options, playlist, ect...). something like vlc, bspalyer. but mplayer is really great, all i miss is the GUI which is already present in the linux version (a really decent one:). why is that so difficult to port (mean the gui itself)?

    - a good cd/dvd burner: frying pan is getting better and better, but its still far from perfect and you cant do everything with it. i think a usable cd/dvd burner is a must have for any moder os.

    - about the instant messenger software, have you tried AmiGG ( ? its looks good, but i dont know how good is it coz i dont use IM at all. but understood that people need it.

    - a usable bittorrent client with GUI! like bitcomet or utorrent. ctorrent is working me fine but it hasnt got a gui, and need to open a shell, which cant be iconified, and i hate open shells on the desktop....

    any other working p2p (not for amiga/mos apps, but for movies, music, xbox/ps2/dreamcast games:))), like direct connect, soulseek, etc....

    - a web browser, but its evidence:) (by the way i think ibrowse has one of the best user interface on any platform, its a pleasure to use, almost the same experience as the basic firefox, expect the "open in background tab" feature).

    and my personal whish: one, just one music creation software! i dont except a reason/cubase/logic or something like that, but a morphos port of the latest Digibooster will be really fine - for start. than later a more modern tracker, like renoise (best tracker on planet:). its a shame that noone can create music on morphos...

    and a few things that can gather more users: paint programs, video editing tools, dvd creator, office suits, dtp, cad... nice dreams..:)

    it is sad, that morphos has a few really good and important software, but they are not finished or stable enough for everyday use or work:

    Papyrus Office - no upgrade/bugix sicne the release
    Pixel32 - really needed, but as i know its not usable yet
    Fring Pan - i've mentonied it before
    Pagestream 5 - will it be released for mos?

    and a last quote: every amiga/morphos app is need a GUI!!! the amiga was all about the gui. shel is for linux, or an option for thos who like it, but for me, amiga = gui. from the beginning:))

    sorry for the long post and bad english!
    DEAD pegII/G4@1000.1gb ram.radeon 9200pro
    240 gigz dvdrw.MorphOS 2.4 DEAD
    amiga1200T.blizzardppc@180/040@25.96megz ram
  • »12.06.06 - 20:39
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1214 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France

    sorry for my clumsy english and thoughts, by "modern" i was refering mainly to the GUI. ATC features are far enough for me, I just do'nt like the GUI, i'd love something like FlashFXP.



    about the instant messenger software, have you tried AmiGG ( ? its looks good, but i dont know how good is it coz i dont use IM at all. but understood that people need it.

    well, AmiGG doesn't handle MSN, Yahoo or AIM right ?


    and my personal whish: one, just one music creation software! i dont except a reason/cubase/logic or something like that, but a morphos port of the latest Digibooster will be really fine - for start. than later a more modern tracker, like renoise (best tracker on planet:). its a shame that noone can create music on morphos...

    I have been using Renoise almost everyday for 3/4 years and yes, i never had such a fantastic tracking experience, but there are no chances for a morphos port. We still need a decent music production software though.

    [ Edited by SoundSquare on 2006/6/13 8:51 ]
  • »13.06.06 - 07:51
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary
    @ SoundSquare:


    sorry for my clumsy english and thoughts, by "modern" i was refering mainly to the GUI. ATC features are far enough for me, I just do'nt like the GUI, i'd love something like FlashFXP.

    Searched with Google Images and I don't see any minor differences between this program and ATC. Why is this better than ATC?

    @ Saddam:

    About IM's: I think who wants MSN for MOS, wants it because his friends are using it, not because it's so good. So please don't offer alternative solutions... :/


    - a good cd/dvd burner: frying pan is getting better and better, but its still far from perfect and you cant do everything with it. i think a usable cd/dvd burner is a must have for any moder os.

    For me FryingPan is good enough. It needs only some improvements (now I can't even tell you any of them), and it will be perfect I think.


    (by the way i think ibrowse has one of the best user interface on any platform, its a pleasure to use, almost the same experience as the basic firefox, expect the "open in background tab" feature)

    I agree. IBrowse rocks! :) I miss only the new tab-using gestures like cliking with the middle button closes the tab etc.


    and a last quote: every amiga/morphos app is need a GUI!!! the amiga was all about the gui. shel is for linux, or an option for thos who like it, but for me, amiga = gui. from the beginning:))

    Totally agree!
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »13.06.06 - 09:57
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 423 from 2005/4/9
    From: magyarorszag/h...

    "About IM's: I think who wants MSN for MOS, wants it because his friends are using it, not because it's so good. So please don't offer alternative solutions... :/"

    i didnt offer anything. as i said, i dont know amigg and any of the IM apps, coz i dont use them, thats why i asked "have you tried AmiGG"? i didnt know what does it support or not... by the way, if someone's friends are using MSN, then u have to convince them not to use that crap:))

    "For me FryingPan is good enough. It needs only some improvements (now I can't even tell you any of them), and it will be perfect I think."

    for you maybe. but the world is not = you. i dont use IM's but i see the necessary of them.
    we couldnt make a single iso from a cd with frying pan... well, actually FP has made the iso (bin/cue) then it was unable to read the cue... funny...
    all i want to say is every user has different tastes and needs, and a good os/app have to serve all of them:))))
    DEAD pegII/G4@1000.1gb ram.radeon 9200pro
    240 gigz dvdrw.MorphOS 2.4 DEAD
    amiga1200T.blizzardppc@180/040@25.96megz ram
  • »13.06.06 - 12:08
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1214 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France

    do you have the latest Frying Pan ? I'm pretty sure that i could make an iso and burn it using the .cue file, but i'll doublecheck.
    There was a new FP version recently and almost no news about it so maybe you missed it ?
    Frying Pan is really a good software, I didn't liek the GUI at first but finally i got used to it and i truly love it now (thanks to the lovely skins that was made for FP)

    [ Edited by SoundSquare on 2006/6/13 14:30 ]
  • »13.06.06 - 13:29
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 423 from 2005/4/9
    From: magyarorszag/h...

    yes, we tried it with the latest frying pan, v0.4b i guess.
    fp has made the bin/cue files without problem, but then we tried to load that cue into fp and all we got is an error message that said theres a problem with the image.

    with makecd i could copy that cd succesfully. the problem with makecd is, that makecd doesnt create one single iso file but several ones (for every track on the cd, 1 data + 3 audio for example).

    i like the gui for frying pan (the latest one) and the skin idea too:) it is simply the best on amiga/mos and it is good as the ones on win/osx. it does the job nicely i think. of course theres always room for advancing the gui:)
    DEAD pegII/G4@1000.1gb ram.radeon 9200pro
    240 gigz dvdrw.MorphOS 2.4 DEAD
    amiga1200T.blizzardppc@180/040@25.96megz ram
  • »13.06.06 - 17:43
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7

    Searched with Google Images and I don't see any minor differences between this program and ATC. Why is this better than ATC?

    Well, ATC has nice features but liked mentioned here before misses sftp or secure ftp which is required on a few sites. Here i have no other choice then to use FlashFXP for example.

    Also a Blowfish Plugin for irc, like it exsists would be nice for amirc. As on crypted irc channels i only get
    !@#DDJQWCXCJ(@#ERJ@#DNCNC on the screen :/

    But well, everybody has his wishes,
    worldpeace would be nice too! :)
  • »13.06.06 - 20:40
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    Well, ATC has nice features but liked mentioned here before misses sftp or secure ftp which is required on a few sites.

    FYI, SFTP doesn't actually have much in common with FTP, they pretty much only partially share the same name due to what they do, not how they do it.


    Also a Blowfish Plugin for irc, like it exsists would be nice for amirc.

    Heh, that sounds like the most useless feature I've ever heard .. and I thought freenode sucked. ;)


    As on crypted irc channels i only get !@#DDJQWCXCJ(@#ERJ@#DNCNC on the screen :/

    Stop joining foreign channels? :P

    Seriously though, if this "feature" is supposed to be remotely useful, you're not meant to be able to read that, if anyone who joined the channel could it would instantly become useless, as that means there would have to be an open exchange of private keys (which could easily be sniffed) .. furthermore if this isn't the case it would mean that each message have a specific target which kinda defeats the purpose of a channel (unless everyone shares the same key via some other method (which again isn't very secure)).

    Anyway, if you've got some documention of how this scheme is supposed to work I'll gladly evaluate the usefulness of it (I suppose writing a plugin for AmIRC for it wouldn't be hard, but would be a waste of time if the scheme is braindead and you'd be better off using something simple like ROT13 instead). ;)

    - CISC
  • »13.06.06 - 21:57
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7

    Also a Blowfish Plugin for irc, like it exsists would be nice for amirc.

    Heh, that sounds like the most useless feature I've ever heard .. and I thought freenode sucked. ;)


    As on crypted irc channels i only get !@#DDJQWCXCJ(@#ERJ@#DNCNC on the screen :/

    Stop joining foreign channels? :P

    Seriously though, if this "feature" is supposed to be remotely useful, you're not meant to be able to read that, if anyone who joined the channel could it would instantly become useless, as that means there would have to be an open exchange of private keys (which could easily be sniffed) .. furthermore if this isn't the case it would mean that each message have a specific target which kinda defeats the purpose of a channel (unless everyone shares the same key via some other method (which again isn't very secure)).

    Anyway, if you've got some documention of how this scheme is supposed to work I'll gladly evaluate the usefulness of it (I suppose writing a plugin for AmIRC for it wouldn't be hard, but would be a waste of time if the scheme is braindead and you'd be better off using something simple like ROT13 instead). ;)
    - CISC

    Fish is a standart implementation for a few clients.
    Yes, the key is preshared and ofcourse u could think how about, if its really secure.
    But it is usefull as there are crypted channels where i cant take part, and they are getting more.

    All i get there are laughs, that i go online with my "videogame"... well :)

    If u or someone could consider a port, it would be lovely!
  • »14.06.06 - 08:04
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    • scf
    • Cocoon
      Posts: 54 from 2003/6/3
      From: Ukraine
      OMG!!!! They said that pegasos is a videogame!!!111

      :-D :-D :-D 8-)
    • »14.06.06 - 11:56
    • MorphOS Developer
      Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
      From: the land with ...

      Fish is a standart implementation for a few clients.

      Yep, I found it by googling, it has had a few security revisions, but none for its biggest flaw. ;)


      Yes, the key is preshared and ofcourse u could think how about, if its really secure.

      And that's where it really falls flat on its face, all it takes is one compromised/careless/dishonest user and the whole thing becomes useless.


      But it is usefull as there are crypted channels where i cant take part, and they are getting more.

      What makes you think they'll let you take part even if you had this plugin? ;)

      - CISC

      [ Edited by CISC on 2006/6/14 21:28 ]
    • »14.06.06 - 20:26
    • Order of the Butterfly
      Order of the Butterfly
      Posts: 273 from 2005/11/7

      What makes you think they'll let you take part even if you had this plugin? ;)

      Well i do already, but not with the amiga/pegasos, what is a pitty.
      Maybe i should change the ctcp version of xchat/mirc to amirc, so that it alteast looks like an amiga could do it :)
    • »14.06.06 - 21:32
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