WANTED : Volunteers for SteamDraw
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2375 from 2003/2/24
    You got 15min/month time for some basic testing ? Or maybe a few more to keep the manual uptodate ? Don't hesitate, pmail your email and you'll be added to the supersecret ML afap and by the end of this weekend you will be amongst the lucky few to test the latest SteamDraw !!!!

    Don't miss the once in a lifetime chance to see with your own eyes the most absurd of bugs and sideefects of yet untested code :boo:

    While I don't demand a reply on every beta by everyone, I also won't hesitate to remove complete lurkers from the list.
  • »10.06.06 - 14:38
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 14 from 2006/3/28
    hmm sorry for almost off topic message but propably i will be need some testers for paint too. but im still just think about it.
    good luck with testers kronos
  • »10.06.06 - 15:07
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