The Filetypes-folder and a few other questions.
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20
    Hi Acill,

    Today I installed the latest Ambient and got the deficons/filetypes working. This is what I did:

    In Ambient prefs I put in a new path to default icons: MorphOS:/prefs/deficons/ (this is optional).
    Make the following directory's in the new deficons directory; application, audio, image, message, model, mulitpart, text and video. These are the same directory's as in sys:prefs/ambient/filetypes. The deficons now have a different name, just remove the 'def_" part from the icon.

    See an example in my previous post wich is located in prefs/ambient/filetypes/audio/ named mp3. Too use deficons for this filetype you now have to have an icon called in prefs/deficons/audio/.

  • »13.05.06 - 14:04
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    So the files I have now in env:sys need to have the def_ removed? I have things in there now like def_sdl, def_drawer, def_tool, def_CON ect. what do I do with these files?

    I am back to the old ambient untill I understand it more.
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  • »13.05.06 - 14:15
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20
    Hi Acill,

    You can find a screenshot here wich explains it better than I wrote above (I think :-) )

  • »13.05.06 - 14:19
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20

    Acill wrote:
    So the files I have now in env:sys need to have the def_ removed? I have things in there now like def_sdl, def_drawer, def_tool, def_CON ect. what do I do with these files?

    I am back to the old ambient untill I understand it more.

    If you have a filetype for #?.avi in /prefs/ambient/filetypes/video/avi you have to place a corresponding icon in {your default deficons dir}/video/ The def device icons remain untouched in your deficons dir.

    [ Edited by Toto on 2006/5/13 15:31 ]
  • »13.05.06 - 14:30
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    So for EVERY file I want to have matching icons for its type, I need t make a filetype script for it and put it in the filetypes dir and then get the info file i like and put it in the folder matching where I say they are in the ambient setting menu? Thats a lot of work to do now.
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »13.05.06 - 14:43
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20

    Acill wrote:
    So for EVERY file I want to have matching icons for its type, I need t make a filetype script for it and put it in the filetypes dir and then get the info file i like and put it in the folder matching where I say they are in the ambient setting menu? Thats a lot of work to do now.

    Yep, that's what I did. Maybe there is another way of doing this?
  • »13.05.06 - 14:50
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary
    I think there is no alternative - but I want to make a package of file definitions and deficons - maybe next week I'll have enough time to finish it.
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »13.05.06 - 17:42
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1931 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    It would be a very nice thing to have. I am starting to get ready to make some for my system but I still dont wuite understand how a lot works. Since I installed the latest ambient my seems to not show correctly any longer. There is a new default icon for all the unknown files now that I didnt choose. I have no idea where it gets this one from.
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »14.05.06 - 01:41
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 17 from 2003/8/7
    From: Lund, Sweden
    I don't really get this to work either. Some of the filetypes (from that downloadable pack at the ambient-site) works great for me, such as when I rightclick on an image and can choose what application to open it with, while others just don't work. Mp3's for example. Checked the filetype-script, checked that the path to the applications it has listed was ok but still it won't open an mp3, nor add any choices to the rightclick menu. It does add the new icon to it though. The same goes for .avi files but there it uses the OLD icon (in a folder I don't even point to anymore) to display the files. Rather odd..

    Starting to feel a bit silly now.. this can't be as hard as it seems. :-D

    oh, and what is the difference between the "-mp3" and "mp3" filetype?

    [ Edited by Desolator on 2006/5/14 8:48 ]
  • »14.05.06 - 07:46
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot

    AFAIR recognition.db has a big warning on TOP. But maybe its not big enough yet.

    DO NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER edit recognition.db and add personal settings here. This will make you all kinds of trouble (be sure with that).

    U can extend/ merge everything with own filetypes (using the Name and recognition rules from db and add your personal actions, see a previous post of my).

    For default actions you can AFAIK put a filetype to <mimeclass>/default in the filetype directory (I didn't tested that myself yet... if in doubth kiero can give more information here).

    Anyway.. actually all this filetype stuff is no user land anyway. So if you make some odd own config here you'll get in trouble'n'hell with the filetype editor (when it will be done someday, that is:).

    The best for now is to stick to the types which are in the db and make actions for them. If something is missing drop me a mail (as you did already;), I usually add everything which makes a bit sense. Some bigger update will follow these days which couldn't be added earlier to cvs because technical trouble on (again;).


    (note: the old filetypes by mk are incompatible with current system, so do not use them... most of the defined types are in the DB already.. missing ones will be added sooner or later).
  • »14.05.06 - 08:23
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  • mk
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2004/5/24
    From: Germany Gera

    > DO NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER edit recognition.db and add personal settings here. This will make you all kinds of trouble (be sure with that).

    Bugs in the recogition.db will make any trouble! The bigest trouble: install script in Ambient "Daily Build" release will not started more! ("install" included in recog...text/plain).

    > (note: the old filetypes by mk are incompatible with current system, so do not use them

    I write to you: I will public new filetypes/actions after you remove the bugs from decognition.db.

    > ... most of the defined types are in the DB already.. missing ones will be added sooner or later).

    Later? I send (2.5.2006) a email with bugfixes (for recognition.db) and any new filestypes definitions to your adress! No reaction from you!

    Here are a paket with filetypes and icons for the last ambient release from 8.5.2006.

    But _WITH_ any (durable /now future constanly effective) Bugfixes inluded in my filetypes for _YOUR_ bugs in decognition.db. (Bug with install also removed in my text/plain filetype.)

    Newest filetype /icon edition and description will fund here:

    [ Edited by mk on 2006/5/14 19:28 ]
  • »14.05.06 - 17:06
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot

    Bugs in the recogition.db will make any trouble! The bigest trouble: install script in Ambient "Daily Build" release will not started more! ("install" included in recog...text/plain).

    I would call this a feature.

    Anyway. The real bug is not that "install" is in the list for textfile names, but that ambient doesnt seem to care for the IconX in the defaulttooltype anymore for some reason.


    > (note: the old filetypes by mk are incompatible with current system, so do not use them
    I write to you: I will public new filetypes/actions after you remove the bugs from decognition.db.

    Yes, but this hasn't anything todo with the fact that your old types are incompatible, or? :)


    Later? I send (2.5.2006) a email with bugfixes (for recognition.db) and any new filestypes definitions to your adress! No reaction from you!

    Be sure that when I got an email I'll reply them sooner or later, even when it takes a year or 2. You'll always get a reply.

    As you might have noticed on the current progress in Ambient.notes there were CVS trouble the last days and no commit could been made. As my reply to your mail would be directly connected with the fact that I had integrated useful changes and suggestions you made with additional explanaition why other of your suggestions make no sense It didn't happened until today.

    Also GK_LKA send some useful diffs and didn't got a reply from me yet for the very same reason.


    But _WITH_ any (durable /now future constanly effective) Bugfixes inluded in my filetypes for _YOUR_ bugs in decognition.db. (Bug with install also removed in my text/plain filetype.)

    I hope you update them as soon they fu*k up because they break recognition.db matching rules when you individually overwrite them.
  • »14.05.06 - 19:02
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  • mk
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2004/5/24
    From: Germany Gera

    >>> (note: the old filetypes by mk are incompatible with current system, so do not use them
    >> I write to you: I will public new filetypes/actions after you remove the bugs from decognition.db.

    > Yes, but this hasn't anything todo with the fact that your old types are incompatible, or? :)

    Not realy. Any (not defined in recognition.db or recog. remoted) Filetypes from old edition does work with the current Ambient.

    But _all_ filetypes from the current filetypes edition are full adapted to current Ambient and the /my definition of application paths have changed. Your wish for a subfolder is released.

    > I hope you update them as soon they fu*k up because they break recognition.db matching rules when you individually overwrite them.

    I wrote: "I will public new filetypes/actions after you remove the bugs from recognition.db."

    I will further public new filetypes/actions after you remove the bugs from recognition.db.

    But now, any user used (and any used further after new edition) this currend filetypes edition WITH Bugfixes (Redefinitions) for the recog!

    Last: You have the time to write in forums, but not reply a email with any bugfix and questions? ;)

    The question: Why will not work in filetypes:


    Another (INTERNAL EXECUTE, IconInfo ...) will work! What i have todo?

    [ Edited by mk on 2006/5/14 22:23 ]
  • »14.05.06 - 20:56
  • Moderator
    Posts: 441 from 2003/2/25
    From: Sweden

    > Anyway. The real bug is not that "install" is in the list for textfile names, but that ambient doesnt seem to care for the IconX in the defaulttooltype anymore for some reason.


    ???? :-)

    Works without problem here.
    Best wishes, Gunne
  • »14.05.06 - 22:29
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary

    AFAIR recognition.db has a big warning on TOP. But maybe its not big enough yet.

    DO NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER edit recognition.db and add personal settings here. This will make you all kinds of trouble (be sure with that).

    ?? I have understood it. I don't want to change it, BUT I want to have x-morphos-globalactions. Where shall I insert it?

    And what about reloading the modified filetypes? Shall it work now, or is it still work in progress?

    Thanks for your answers, and I'm waiting to add my filetypes into recognition.db. :)
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »14.05.06 - 23:57
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot


    Last: You have the time to write in forums, but not reply a email with any bugfix and questions? ;)

    sure, that i can do on-the-fly while making a break from coding. Answering your mail requires approx 1-2h work. Checking your diffs, making research (checking mimename, checking matching, finding example files for testing), editing recognition.db, do the actual testing, commiting stuff to cvs, answering all your questions, commenting your diff to tell you why i changed things and didn't used them as you sent them to me. :)


    The question: Why will not work in filetypes:

    because there was no internal command named "PlaySound" you could call that way. I brought back/ fixed it now, should be in a new nightly. Tested only over arexx though but should work. If not blame me ;)

  • »15.05.06 - 00:51
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot

    it works when u start ambient with loadwb, my guess mk started it manually. Then it fails to find iconx because it doesnt has a full search path anymore (this is a missing feature or bug, dunno (yet)). This also happens with other apps used as defaulttool.

  • »15.05.06 - 00:52
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot

    I never tested that myself, but I think you can add the globalactions to sys:prefs/ambient/filetypes/default

    If that doesnt work its a bug or missing feature. :)

    Kiero implemented notify on single filetypes (recognition.db always had notify). Can't say if it works, as I didnt tested it yet. But you can activate "DEBUG >> MIMETYPE" and use sashimi (or logtool), then save your file. should give a lot of output when it works.

  • »15.05.06 - 00:58
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  • mk
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2004/5/24
    From: Germany Gera

    > @GK_LKA

    > I never tested that myself, but I think you can add the globalactions to sys:prefs/ambient/filetypes/default

    You placed /named globalaction in recognition.db as "INTERNAL/x-morphos-globalaction". (another, new "family/*" / default action not tested yet)

    The filetype "x-morphos-gloabalaction" is found in my paket at path ".../filetypes/INTERNAL/..." and its work (with AMBIENT 8.5.2006).

    Name Global Actions .
    Type internal/x-morphos-globalaction
    Name Open with...
    Event Menu
    Command AMIGADOS run >nil: `c:requestfile` %sp
    Flag cd source
    Name Create lha archive
    Event Menu
    Command AMIGADOS lha a -r -a -d `c:requestfile` %sp
    ; Command AMIGADOS lha a -r -a -d %sp.lha %sp
    ; "%sp.lha %sp" does not work yet
    Flag cd source
    Name Open with Multiview (WB)
    Event Menu
    Command AMIGADOS WBRun `type env:pathapp/multiview` %sp
    Name Open File with filex
    Event Menu
    Command AMIGADOS RUN >NIL: `type env:pathapp/filex` %sp

    Another, but also "/INTERNAL":

    The Icon "" (for not recognize /not indentify filetypes) work from path "...(icons)/INTERNAL/..." and is also found in my currend paket.
  • »15.05.06 - 06:53
  • mk
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 72 from 2004/5/24
    From: Germany Gera
    @ tokai

    > it works when u start ambient with loadwb, my guess mk started it manually.

    > Then it fails to find iconx because it doesnt has a full search path anymore (this is a missing feature or bug, dunno (yet)).

    It fails not, when i remove "install" from filetype text/plain and Execute /WBrum is not a possible action for text/plain type! text/script other text/...another... is here better!

    [ Edited by mk on 2006/5/15 8:16 ]
  • »15.05.06 - 07:00
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary

    I have downloaded the latest version of you filetypes. I didn't have enough time now to check it, but I can tell now that it's very useful.

    I'll check it this week, and decide wether I shall release an own package or not. :)


    Hm, debug says that file's immediately reloaded, but it doesn't seems like anything had happened. :(
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »15.05.06 - 08:20
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