Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 736 from 2003/2/24
From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...
Reggae is an exciting project

It could be quite cool to have an audio.input that took the AHI output to apply your filters

that could turn AmiNetRadio into a karaoke

It's a pity that there are no many available encoders/decoders, but I guess that this standard will be adopted when more codecs become available...
jpeg/png/gif support would attract coders

kiero probably wrote some damn fast routines for ShowGirls so maybe he could share with you some code so you can add that codecs
Video codecs would be a dream come true
I hope next "multiview" versions have Reggae support as standard. The OS should be the first in supporting it... I hope next revisions include it
A picture-datatype.decoder may be useful too until we have more codecs.