Changing Keymaps
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2005/10/13
    From: PACA, France
    Hi everyone,

    Is there some app out there that let's you change your system keymap without passing through the properties menu?
    I have a French kbd and it causes lot's of problems when some games (all games under UAE) ask you to press a number (French kbds need shift to get a number) and cope with this problem under Linux or windows by using a keymap switching app.
  • »06.03.06 - 08:52
    Profile Visit Website
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 98 from 2004/6/4
    From: Ivanovo, Russia
    WBR, Vladimir Berezenko
  • »06.03.06 - 12:09
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2005/10/13
    From: PACA, France
    Thanks a lot, looks exactly what I was looking for (the doc in Russian was a little bit hard, though ;-))

  • »06.03.06 - 12:58
    Profile Visit Website
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 98 from 2004/6/4
    From: Ivanovo, Russia
    Sorry for russian docs. We have not so much time for translating. 8(
    W8 a bit and there'll be the better version of keymap switcher soon.
    WBR, Vladimir Berezenko
  • »07.03.06 - 06:06