Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 265 from 2005/8/25
Maybe you have configuration problems. In such a case just spend some time tweaking here and there with the .ini files. Much patience is needed, and solutions (if any) may also depend on your software and hardware environment.
Are you sure you have set the correct HTML mode in your mldonkey configuration? Only one of the two HTML modes works flawlessly with Amiga browsers.
(From what you say it seems that you did this step; anyway, make a check.)
Right. "html_mods = false" and "html_mods_style = 0"
Moreover, since you did not download a single byte even with Bourriquet, there can be other two problems.
The first is that you do not have sufficient patience. If you expect that downloading starts soon after your request, you are too much an optimist. In the worst cases, it is possible that you must expect for weeks (or even forever...) before downloading starts.
Yes, it could be it. But i tried to wait for about 3 hours to download a 10kb file. I have tried to download many files from many servers without success.
Maybe waiting longer will help, i don't know, but is it rational? I think not.
The second problem arises if you use a router for ADSL connection. In such a case, it's very likely that you are behind the router firewall. Then, for every peer-to-peer protocol, you must connect directly the port used on your computer to the port (with the same number) that should be used on the router. This procedure (Virtual Server Configuration) is mandatory if you want your peer-to-peer software correctly working (you should read your router manual for specific instructions on how to associate ports). Note that ports mentioned in mldonkey readme file are a fraction of all the ports that may/should be open. A more complete list is here:
I'm on dial-up. No routers or firewalls.
If nothing works for you, you need someone with more expertise than me and/or can wait that CISC/tokai distribute the new MLDonkey release 2.7.4...
Good luck.
Ok, thanks.

Edit: (about bourriquet)
I tried Genesis instead of Miami yesterday and i notice that i display some messages in its window. Maybe these indicate the problem. I will paste them here:
Wed Mar 01 14:25:51 2006 [crit ]: Task 2036243400 (bourriquet) attempted to use library base of Task 2035175024 (bourriquet_connection).
Wed Mar 01 14:25:51 2006 [crit ]: Task 2036243400 (bourriquet) attempted to use library base of Task 2035175024 (bourriquet_connection).
Wed Mar 01 14:25:51 2006 [crit ]: Task 2036243400 (bourriquet) attempted to use library base of Task 2035175024 (bourriquet_connection).
Wed Mar 01 14:26:46 2006 [note ]: Access from host 66.102.136.xxx to port 23 denied
Wed Mar 01 14:26:46 2006 [note ]: Access from host 207.182.243.xxx to port 23 denied
Wed Mar 01 14:27:12 2006 [note ]: Access from host 82.96.96.x to port 23 denied
Wed Mar 01 14:27:15 2006 [note ]: Access from host 82.96.96.x to port 23 denied
I suppose that "crit" means critical error, so maybe someone could explain me what i must do to fix it.
[ Edited by AmigaMancer on 2006/3/2 10:08 ]
Amiga 1200 user.