Problem creating mountlists
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2005/10/13
    From: PACA, France
    Hi everyone,

    I've downloaded the ext2FS driver to be able to read my linux
    partition, and I'm now trying to mount it.

    I've followed the instructions that come with ext2fs:
    + copy the driver to L:
    + create a mountlist with giggledisk
    + modify the mountlist
    + run mount, or copy to devs:dosdrivers

    Well it just doesn't work. Mount tells me:

    Ram Disk:> mount LNX: debug
    Mount: Current DevName <LNX:>
    Mount: search for devname <LNX:>
    CheckDevice: <LNX>
    CheckDevice: object doesn't exists
    ReadMountList: find <LNX> in mountlist <lnx>
    ReadFile: <lnx>
    ParseMountList: <LNX>
    ParseMountList: buffer <FileSystem>
    ParseMountList: ReadItem res 1
    ParseMountList: failure
    ERROR: Device 'LNX:' not found in file 'lnx'
    Mount: failed with error 5001

    In the bottom of this post I'l put ther original (giggledisk) and
    modified mountlists.

    BTW, when I mount SMBFS: (samba), Ambient does not display an Icon. I
    was told it was probable a prob with mosnet, but the same happens with
    miami and genesis. There is a disk.icon present in the target drive.
    How can I declare that a new device was mounted so ambient notices?
    Besides that, SMBFS works just fine.

    Any ideas?


    Original mountlist
    ** DosDriver automatically created by GiggleDisk
    ** GiggleDisk (c)2005 Guido Mersmann

    FileSystem = L:EXT2FileSystem
    Device = ide.device
    Unit = 0
    BlockSize = 512
    Surfaces = 1
    SectorsPerBlock = 1
    BlocksPerTrack = 9541
    Reserved = 2
    PreAlloc = 0
    Interleave = 0
    MaxTransfer = 0x00FFFFFF
    Mask = 0xFFFFFFFF
    LowCyl = 9018
    HighCyl = 16382
    Buffers = 30
    BufMemType = 0
    StackSize = 16384
    Priority = 0
    GlobVec = -1
    DosType = 0x4C4E5800
    Activate = 1
    Mount = 0
    /* Bootable = FALSE */

    Modified mountlist
    FileSystem = L:EXT2FileSystem
    Device = ide.device
    Unit = 0
    BlockSize = 512
    Surfaces = 1
    SectorsPerBlock = 1
    BlocksPerTrack = 9541
    Reserved = 2
    PreAlloc = 0
    Interleave = 0
    MaxTransfer = 0x00FFFFFF
    Mask = 0xFFFFFFFF
    LowCyl = 9018
    HighCyl = 16382
    Buffers = 128
    BufMemType = 0
    StackSize = 16384
    Priority = 0
    GlobVec = -1
    DosType = 0x45585432
    Activate = 1
    Mount = 0
    /* Bootable = FALSE */
  • »19.02.06 - 14:27
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20
    If you rename your mountlist from LNX to LNX0 it should work.

  • »19.02.06 - 15:11
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 91 from 2003/7/30
    From: Warsaw, Poland
    If your mountlist is in RAM: use following:
    cd ram:
    mount LNX
    (without colon after device name).
    Marek Szyprowski ...... happy MorphOS, AmigaOS and Debian/Linux user ........
  • »20.02.06 - 07:31
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 20 from 2004/3/31
    From: Germany / Luebeck
    I gave that Mountlist an Projekt-Icon

    default Programm: MorphOS:MorphOS/c/Mount

    Tooltypes: DEVICE=ide.device

    from now I could start mounting with an doubleklick
  • »20.02.06 - 09:17
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2005/10/13
    From: PACA, France
    I've tried to rename it to LNX0, and mount it without the ":" and it
    does not work (see results at the end of the post).

    I've also copied the mountlist to DEVS:Dosdrivers/ to try to automount
    it during boot, but I get an error.

    Any other ideas?

    Ram Disk:> mount LNX0 from RAM:LNX0 debug
    Mount: Current DevName <LNX0>
    Mount: search for mountfile <LNX0>
    Mount: Changed directories...
    Mount: try File <Ram Disk:LNX0>
    ReadMountFile: <Ram Disk:LNX0>
    ReadMountFile: mount <LNX0>
    CheckDevice: <LNX0>
    CheckDevice: object doesn't exists
    ReadMountFile: readfile
    ReadFile: <Ram Disk:LNX0>
    ReadMountFile: preparsefile
    ReadMountFile: parsemountfile
    FileSystem = L:EXT2FileSystem Device = ide.device Unit = 0 BlockSize = 512 Surfaces = 1 SectorsPerBlock = 1 BlocksPerTrack = 9541 Reserved = 2 PreAlloc = 0 Interleave = 0 MaxTransfer = 0x00FFFFFF Mask = 0xFFFFFFFF LowCyl = 9018 HighCyl = 16382 Buffers = 128 BufMemType = 0 StackSize = 16384 Priority = 0 GlobVec = -1 DosType = 0x45585432 Activate = 1 Mount = 1

    FileSystem = L:EXT2FileSystem Device = ide.device Unit = 0 BlockSize = 512 Surfaces = 1 SectorsPerBlock = 1 BlocksPerTrack = 9541 Reserved = 2 PreAlloc = 0 Interleave = 0 MaxTransfer = 0x00FFFFFF Mask = 0xFFFFFFFF LowCyl = 9018 HighCyl = 16382 Buffers = 128 BufMemType = 0 StackSize = 16384 Priority = 0 GlobVec = -1 DosType = 0x45585432 Activate = 1 Mount = 1

    ReadMountArgs: ReadArgs failed
    ReadMountArgs: bad template
    Parse: ReadArgs failed
    ReadMountFile: parsemountfile error 5002
    Mountfile 'Ram Disk:LNX0' is invalid: bad template
    Mount: failed with error 5002
  • »21.02.06 - 06:18
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 268 from 2003/4/20
    Maybe it's your DosType value, it's supposed to be 0x4C4E5800 just like in your GiggleDisk mountlist.

    Here's my mountlist:

    ** DosDriver automatically created by GiggleDisk
    ** GiggleDisk (c)2005 Guido Mersmann

    FileSystem = L:EXT2FileSystem
    Device = ide.device
    Unit = 1
    BlockSize = 512
    Surfaces = 1
    SectorsPerBlock = 1
    BlocksPerTrack = 9771
    Reserved = 2
    PreAlloc = 0
    Interleave = 0
    MaxTransfer = 0x7FFFFFFF
    Mask = 0xFFFFFFFF
    LowCyl = 1
    HighCyl = 4177
    Buffers = 256
    BufMemType = 0
    StackSize = 16384
    Priority = 0
    GlobVec = -1
    DosType = 0x4C4E5800
    Activate = 1
    /* Mount = 1 - MorphOS is not supporting this value */
    /* Bootable = FALSE */

    I've set it up in Devs/DOSDrivers as LNX0 with the same tooltypes as Otti. My Ubuntu partition won't mount if it's called LNX instead of LNX0.

  • »21.02.06 - 11:49
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2005/10/13
    From: PACA, France
    @Toto: Thanks a lot, I'll try changing the DosType and commenting the "mount = 0" line.
  • »21.02.06 - 12:46
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2005/10/13
    From: PACA, France
    @Toto: Thanks a lot, it now works. Commenting the "mount" did the
  • »21.02.06 - 18:30
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