USB joystick with UAE? Fullscreen with UAE?
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 2 from 2005/11/4

    I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, I've Googled for the answer but I haven't find a solution :-(

    I have a Competition Pro USB joystick that I want to use with E-UAE (0.8.28). MorphOS detects it with no problems, it shows up when I go to the USB section of the System Settings, and it seems to read the input from the stick. However, UAE doesn't respond to it.

    I've tried putting joyport1=joy0 in the configuration file (I've also tried joy1 and joy2, I would have thought it would be joy0 though as I only have the one joystick attached.) It still won't work. It's the only USB joystick I have, and I don't have any 15-pin traditional joysticks to test it with.

    Can anyone help me to get UAE working with a USB stick?

    I'd also appreciate it if anyone could tell me how to get UAE to display in fullscreen? I've put gfx_fullscreen_amiga=true in the configuration file, and I've tried CTRL+LEFTALT+S as per the instructions but no luck unfortunately (is fullscreen just not supported under MorphOS?)

    Thanks in advance :-)

  • »04.12.05 - 21:43