How to uninstall a GFX card setting in MOS?
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 29 from 2004/11/1
    Hi everyone.

    I'd like to use a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP card in my Pegasos 2 system (MOS 1.4.5), however I currently have a Radeon 7000 card installed and working.

    What do I need to do in order to gracefully uninstall the Radeon 7000 card so that I could plug in the Voodoo 3 instead of it and then install Voodoo for usage?

  • »30.08.05 - 00:21
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    Nothing special AFAIK. Swap cards and configure new screen modes in ModeEdit.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »30.08.05 - 00:49
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 29 from 2004/11/1
    Hi itix and thanks for your reply.

    I've tried to simply swap them, however MOS loads from the hard disk and runs into the Radeon driver I guess, thus displays only a black screen through the newly installed voodoo. :-( I think that I need to somehow delete the radeon automatic display setting so that MOS would try voodoo. :-?
  • »30.08.05 - 02:25
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 139 from 2004/3/8
    I woudl try setting down the resolution and bits. try a 16bit setting and like 800 by 600 or something and see if it works then. SOrry ive never done what your trying to do, but thats what I woudl try. Let me knwo what happens as im currios.
  • »30.08.05 - 14:58
    Profile Visit Website
  • HAK
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 225 from 2003/2/24
    From: Austria, Vienna

    Normally changing a gfx-card should do the trick (I did it with PCI Vodoo3/3000, Radeon7000/VE and Radeon9200LE - never a problem).

    However if you changed something in your setup there might be some problems.
    Check whether:

    - you haven't deleted the Voodoo drivers in MOSSYS:Devs/Monitors
    - you might have changed the CGX-settings for your monitor; in this case, make sure, the settings in ENVARC:CyberGraphX/Voodoo3Monitor are the same than in ENVARC:CyberGraphX/RadeonMonitor
    - the monitor that the upper mentioned files point to really exist in SYS:Prefs/Presets/Monitors/

    On a side note: Why do you intend to displace the Radeon with a Voodoo now?
    According to my tests the Voodoo3 is only slightly faster than a Radeon7000/VE (nearly not noticeable IMHO) but the Radeon (at least mine) has the advantage of having more memory on board than the Voodoo (64MB vs. 16MB here) which is especially helpfull if you intend to run Ambient at higher resolutions (1600x1200x24 here).

    Bye HAK
  • »30.08.05 - 19:40