More Installation Problems
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2005/7/21
    Again...having more problems...

    When I begin installing Morphos I get a "General Device Failure" when the install script attempts to copy files to the hard drive.

    I have partionioned the hard drive and formated each partition, not sure what I'm doing wrong?!!

    Please, any help would be great!
  • »03.08.05 - 04:19
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles

    We will need more specifics on what hardware setup you have. Sorry for the troubles. Its probably minor. Are you using 80 wire ide cables?

    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »03.08.05 - 05:19
    Profile Visit Website
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2005/7/21
    Ugh! It was the cable... Thought it was 80 pins, guess not. Thanks for making me double check!
  • »03.08.05 - 15:56