OpenURL MOS 7.0 is 68k !
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 242 from 2004/4/3
    From: France

    What kind of muddle did Alfie with his latest OpenURL 7.0 ? I have just downloaded OpenURL 7.0 for MOS and i want to install it. First i take a look at the content of the archive under DOpus 4.16, i remark that the new library is smaller than the old one, so i look inside it but it has no elf header, that is a 68k file like the cli command OpenURL. Did Alfie mix the MOS files and the 68k ones ? I hope he will cure this muddle very fast.


    [ Edited by Brumiga on 2005/7/30 14:42 ]
  • »30.07.05 - 14:05
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 741 from 2003/2/24
    Thats Alfies standard trick to see if you're
    still interested in his software and if you
    update carefully ;-)

    He likes the emails he gets to fix his archives :-P
    For example the trap in the latest CManager is
    the TheBar.mcc (which is 20.5 while the latest is 20.6) :-D
  • »30.07.05 - 16:26
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 96 from 2005/3/25
    From: Italy
    This kind of things happens. A private EMail would have been apprecheated. I have just put a new archive with the correct library. There is no native version of the cli command, because it is not useful.

  • »30.07.05 - 16:51
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 118 from 2003/2/24
    From: France (Rennes)
    Brumiga : hey, that's not a reason to be so rude ;) A polite & private e-mail would have been better :) Also, please remember we should be grateful and that developers don't owe us anything :)
    xmpp:mahen on
  • »30.07.05 - 17:36
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 242 from 2004/4/3
    From: France
    Good evening,

    Sorry i did not want to be rude. I simply did not think to the private message, that is all. The first archive has been the result of a mismatch or an inversion between the 68k files and the mos files. So first i wanted to post a comment on, but for recent software nothing appears in their news. So i wrote this thread to contact the author, Alfie, by this angle.


    [ Edited by Brumiga on 2005/7/30 20:40 ]
  • »30.07.05 - 20:35