How to Install Genesis and a General MUI Question . . .
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 196 from 2005/4/1
    I found step by step instructions on installing Miami here in the forums, but was unable to find anything about installing Genesis.

    The installer "appears" to correctly install it (the MUI version from Aminet) -- but GenesisWizard returns "cannot start MUI application".

    Figuring that the MUI libs didn't get properly installed -- I went looking for the MUI Libs directory -- where is this beast!?

    Can anyone point me to a tutorial or guide? Google didn't turn up anything useful (at least not in English).

    I'd also like a recommendation for a text editor -- I always used EditPad with 3.9 -- is there anything like it for MorphOS? I'd really rather not use anything geared towards programmers.


    (I've been an Amiga user for 14 years -- and MorphOS is really making me feel like I don't know what I'm doing -- I can't so much as edit my Startup.sequence or install a simple MUI app! :-( )
  • »27.06.05 - 04:22
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    Figuring that the MUI libs didn't get properly installed -- I went looking for the MUI Libs directory -- where is this beast!?

    They are installed to SYS:Classes/MUI.


    I'd also like a recommendation for a text editor -- I always used EditPad with 3.9 -- is there anything like it for MorphOS? I'd really rather not use anything geared towards programmers.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »27.06.05 - 06:11
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    for installing mui apps, make a dir in ram called 'mui' with a subdir called 'libs'. then assign "mui:" to the mui directory (which needs the libs subdirectory). Then, when the installer finishes copy blah.mcc to 'sys:classes/mui/'. Then use the shell to remove the assing
    assign mui: remove

    Oh yeah, and always tell installer to give you a text file report of what it did. Saves a lot of frustration to be able to go back to an installer report to find out what it did--when it isn't working.

    Itix's advice for an editor is a good one, but there is also micro-golded (now adware). I haven't tried it personally, but I use GoldED AIX all the time (so I have no doubt it will get the job done). Another is WordPad from the aminet (mui based editor), which can also suffice.

    Once you get used to some of the more primal differences, and get the right software installed, you'll feel right at home.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »27.06.05 - 07:47
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 196 from 2005/4/1

    Once you get used to some of the more primal differences, and get the right software installed, you'll feel right at home.

    Heh, heh -- I sure hope so!

    Itix, Targhan -- thanks for the help! :-)
  • »27.06.05 - 08:53
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 196 from 2005/4/1
    Well . . .

    I was able to get online with Voyager this morning!

    It wasn't pretty -- for some reason I just couldn't get Genesis configured correctly, so I finally just used the config from my Amithlon machine.

    Baby steps. ;-)
  • »27.06.05 - 13:43
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    (I've been an Amiga user for 14 years -- and MorphOS is really making me feel like I don't know what I'm doing -- I can't so much as edit my Startup.sequence or install a simple MUI app! )

    Well MorphOS has some small differences. For Example the morphos (mossys) drawer, where the complete os is installed, which should not be touched by the user (well so far for theory, in fact for some things it isn`t possible not to touch it)
    There you will find the startup-sequence for example. Otoh there is currently no reason of which i am aware, to touch startup-sequence ;)
    otoh, the user-startup is found on its ususal place, in s: user-startup.
    The reason behind the caspulated morphos drawer is to have a clean, unpatched system which can easily be upgraded. (Well at least in theory ;) )

    But believe me, It may take some time, but you will feel at home :) (I am using Amigas since 87)
    Oh btw, have you allready tried my Os 4.0 Skin, "Ofour" ? :D

    [ Edited by Bladerunner on 2005/6/27 13:49 ]
  • »27.06.05 - 13:48
    • Order of the Butterfly
      Order of the Butterfly
      Posts: 196 from 2005/4/1

      Oh btw, have you allready tried my Os 4.0 Skin, "Ofour" ? :D

      Yep! Very nice -- I'm using it! :-)
    • »27.06.05 - 14:06
    • jPV
    • Yokemate of Keyboards
      Yokemate of Keyboards
      Posts: 2074 from 2003/2/24
      From: po-RNO
      I'll usually install everything by hand on MOS. For some reason, I don't trust to old Amiga installers :-) Usually it goes like copying mui-libs to sys:classes/mui and normal libs to sys:libs. And checking installed versions by you before copying is good thing :) Then there might be some assigns etc, which you see from install script or just with trying to run the program :)
      After all, it's very Amiga-like.

      Genesis needed bit more work than usual programs... after copying libs it needed amitcp: assign to point the Genesis dir and path to it's bin dir. It also mounts apipe:. Couple of commands at bin dir also need protection bit s, but after it it's installed :)
    • »27.06.05 - 14:54
      Profile Visit Website