• Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 150 from 2004/6/18
    From: Nagold - Germany
    Hi Acill,

    The bug you describe is a problem of the cvs
    snapshot you have tried. It should be
    fixed before the next official release.

    Personally I was a big fan of Ibrowse for many years.
    While Aweb always did some things better than V and IBrowse
    in general Ibrowse and Voyager were two years ago
    in many ways better than Aweb.

    But for V and ibrowse came no new releases
    during the last years - in this time the Aweb crew
    has added many features and fixed many bugs.
    Aweb has noticeable improved during the last year.

    I think the next Aweb release will in many
    ways a noticeable improvement.

  • »31.05.05 - 23:50
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