MorphOS 1.4.4 Tipps and Tricks
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    When I have upgraded to MOS 1.4.4 I encounterd some small Problems. I solved the last one just a few minutes ago, and I thought it might be a good Idea to share the Solutions to others, saving some time perhaps ;-)

    Feel free to add your Problem/Solution here as well :-)

    First advice: Please make a complete Backup from your syspartition! If you haven`t since a long time, now it is a good reason to make one ;-)
    I know that the Installer Script makes a backup from MOSSYS: but you`ll never know...

    Multimediakeys on an USB Keyboards seem no longer to work and you can`t set them again.

    The Poseidonversion installed with 1.4.4 is still 2.1. You obviously had allready the update to 2.2. So please update Poseidon again.(and don`t forget to include the romupdate in Startup-sequence)

    Arexx is working no longer.

    Well, the Rexx Implemention is still not complete. Like in the previous Mos Version, you need the 68k Rexxsyslib.library. It should be allready in Sys:libs but there is now again the rexxsys.lib replacment in MOSSYS:libs. Just rename rexxsyslib.library in MOSSYS:libs to rexxsyslib_1.4.library and everything should work fine

    Weather refuses to work

    Mosmedia still isn`t part of Mos 1.4.4. But weather needs that to work. Just reinstall MOSmedia.

    I am using BN II Skin or Ofour Skin. After the update the Muisettings miss several Images.

    Once again, What is not part of the official MOSSYS, won`t be there after the upgrade. You have to install the Mui set from every Skin again.

    Earth2140 with ahipatch doesn`t work any longer, just a black screen appears.

    You have obviously installed the audio.device replacement. The only Solution I found so far is to remove it, without audio.device it works fine.
    No Idea where the actual Problem is, have to contact the author of that device, but perhaps he read it here?

    MuiCon is working no longer.

    Well I just notice that for the sake of completness, but it is allready mentioned in the Readme, you have to reinstall Muicon ;-)

    I have installed the latest Ambient CVS Version, but now it seems it is Ambient 1.29 again

    Well IIRC 1.4.4 is mainly bugfixing and not a featureupdate. And Ambient still isn`t officaly released (and I am even not sure how it will be added with future Mos releases)
    So if you want Ambient CVS again, well.. you know... reinstall it ;-)

    SMSPlus, Genesisplus and TGEmu crashing badly.
    (Don`t start at all)

    You have allready upgraded your AHI installation.
    But with the 1.4.4 Update there is the Audiomode DEVICE missing (IIRC it was decided not to include because there was/is a bug? dunno for sure), but it seems to be still set in your ahiprefs. I simply reinstalled the DEVICE Audiomode, but I guess it can also help to set your Musicunit to something which is actually available.

    PSA don`t work, It starts, but then exit with "output
    driver not responding"

    The same as above, just reinstall audiomode DEVCE and everything works again ;-)

    SNES9X seems to flicker in the bottom line after the Upgrade when using Overlay. I have a Radeon Card.

    Well, I have allready contacted Fabien about that, and he told me that overlay for the Radeon Drivers has changed to doublebuffering, and he need to fix some code in snes9X. So stay tuned, I am sure he will release the update for snes9x "when it`s done" ;-)

    Well it seems that most from the Problems are related to the fact that we allready have much 3rd Partys update/enhancments which didn`t make it into the Update. Ok, we where told not to touch MOSSYS, but there are allready so much "goodies" which I don`t want to miss, and this make it neccesary to touch MOSSYS, no matter what we were adviced to. But I hope the Situation will be better with MOS 1.5 (or 1.666 or Mos turtleedition or whatever it will be named)
    Oh and perhaps they will also find a solution for the growing number of 3rd parties Mui Imagesets ;-)
  • »02.04.05 - 16:40
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles
    Thank you so much for the tips.Very good :-)

    Also, please NEVER EVER use this stupid "when its done" Please. Its PITA

    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
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  • »02.04.05 - 18:30
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Magnetic: Sorry, but I really couldn`t resist ;-)
  • »02.04.05 - 19:12
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1923 from 2003/10/19
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Dont forget us radeon card users seem to have a bug in the monitor file located in MOSSYS:Devs/Monitors which is called "Radeon". The bug will not allow testing a new screen when you make them. The only fix i have found is to replace the new Radeon file with the old one found in 1.4.3
    Powermac Dual 2.0 GHZ G5 PCI-X (Registration #1894)
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  • »02.04.05 - 19:51
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    This "file" is actually the whole new driver ;-)
    but I guess nobody will change screenmodes every five minutes, so it might be a good Idea to install the new driver afterwards, because there are several enhancements worth the update.
  • »02.04.05 - 20:22
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 83 from 2004/4/20
    Creating modes is still possible, you just can't test them the normal way. I got around this by creating a new publicscreen in ScreenMode. You then click open and edit it with ModeEdit and the monitor controls. When done click close and delete it or go to the next. ;) Remember to click Save when you're done in the System Settings.

    Instead of re-installing many apps I brought Boot0:morphos/ up in opus and my own backup of my boot partition in the other window. Then go thru and copy missing files. Libs and TP were missing quite a few.

    For those with USB Mice. The Update CD doesn't have the poseidon.library at all. This is why USB mice get stuck in the corner and don't work when you boot from the cd. The fix is easy though. Unplug the mouse and plug it back in. I think you have to have the latest firmware update but I'm not sure.

  • »03.04.05 - 10:48
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 199 from 2004/8/14
    From: Järvenp&a...
    I needed to reinstall also the Sound Datatypes Pack 2 to get all sound working again after installing 1.4.4
  • »04.04.05 - 07:21
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Need to also reinstall OpenURL if you want links to open in anything other than VPPC.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »05.04.05 - 20:21
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    And another one. Today I tried to start Candy Factory, but when I wanted to choose a Screenmode, the Requester crashed and Candy failed to

    Problem: Candy crashes during startup

    Solution: Well I coulnd`t terminate where the actual Problem is, I tried to replace asl.library as well as the new Radeon drivers, but it didn`t help. But I remembered that the Screenmode Requester won`t pop up when the Candy Settings where saved before. So I tried to boot from a previous MOS Version (Can be a 1.4.2 CD or simply rename your Mossys to Mossys-new and Mossys-old to Mossys) and start Candy. It worked. Now I tried to save the settings, worked also. Ok, choose a Screenmode, save the Settings, Switch to MOS 1.4.4, now it should work, you can even change your Screenmode again. I realy don`t know what went wrong here...
  • »06.04.05 - 21:30
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    This is just a quick update from the previous tipps and tricks list for Mos 1.4.5:

    USB Update:
    No longer required, MOS 1.4.5 has now the latest Poseidon included.

    same solution as with all previous updates.

    Same Solution as with the 1.4.4 update

    Same Solution as with the 1.4.4 update, also mentioned in the Readme

    Same Solution as with the 1.4.4 update

    Same Solution as with the 1.4.4 update, also
    mentioned in the Readme

    Same Solution as with the 1.4.4 update, Note that 1.4.5 has allread a SE Edition from Ambient 1.41

    Same Solution as with the 1.4.4 update,AHI still misses the Audiomode DEVICE

    New asl.library is available, now you can have the screenmode selection again (with all posible screenmodes by "setenv save asl/MODEREQ_EMULATEBUGS 1" this is also mentioned in the readme. Note this doesnt`t work for PSA, you have to hack the prefs file manually, I gave a short howto here in the Forumsection.

    As stated in the readme, Voyager is no longer Part of MorphOS. with 1.4.5 there are also some mui classes missing. Have a look in the readme for the missing classes. As they are no longer part of MOS, I suggest a reinstall of those classes in sys:classes/mui (No longer in Mossys)

    Screenmode edit (Radeon)
    Fixed, Screenmode creation works fine now

    Well, Fab still hasn`t released an updated version ;-)

    Feel free to add/complete this small faq.
  • »30.04.05 - 22:49
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Just a note that I'm making a copy of this last post over in the 1.4.5 thread.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »02.05.05 - 06:59
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  • deb
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 76 from 2004/11/17
    This port of snes9x works for me:

    This is a very good hex-editor:

    I did not know that.
    I did not make any of this progs/ports, just uploaded them to my site.

    [ Edited by deb on 2005/5/2 13:53 ]
  • »02.05.05 - 08:26
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    @deb: please send me the source (or give me a possibility to download it) of your quake2 build.
    (Else your quake2 release is a violation of the GPL and I suggest to remove it from your website. :) )

  • »02.05.05 - 12:21
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