uae + hdd help neeeeded please!!!
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 70 from 2004/11/5
    From: Czech Republic...
    Hi people, I've got a BIIIG problem. I'm very desperate because i can't force uae to mount hdd. I've got several uae versions -0.8.22, uae_rc1 and uae_rc2. When i try to mount hdd, i always get the screen with the message that amiga rom etc. is loaded - the same as if u boot w/o startup-sequence on the real Amiga. but workbench does not load and the only ADOS command working is "cd"...

    "Funny" about this is that when i bought my Pegasos in September last year, there was uae0.8.22 running os3.1 installed by the dealer and i managed to mount "my" workbench3.0 partition ripped from amiga, even when there were some tools like eide99 software or 68060 software installed!!! But unfortunately i deleted that version and the dealer has neither Pegasos nor uae any more...

    It's so annoying for me, I spent hundreds of hours with uae but i am totally out of ideas 'cause i simply don't know what i am doing bad?!!! uae's output doesn't show any errors, it even tells me that virtual filesystem is mounted but....

    so pleeeeeeeeease!!!! somebody help me out if u can - you can send me your starting script for example and i'll just change paths to roms and hdd directory...

    I would prefer running hdd under uae_rc2 which seems to be the best version so far, but 0.8.22 could also do... please help me asap.... thanx in advance pecaN G3/600,256MB,120GB HDD, MOS1.4.2, Ambient 1.29 *** ***
    pecaN of the Czech PowerPC User Group
  • »29.04.05 - 12:29