Partition Size!?!
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1069 from 2003/3/24
    From: Hamburg/Germany
    I have a question what is the maximum Partition size supported by MOS without any bugs like losing the RDB?
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5 running UWQHD Resolution
  • »18.03.05 - 00:35
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles

    I think that if you stick with <120gb you are ok.

    but i'm not sure

    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »18.03.05 - 03:09
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1069 from 2003/3/24
    From: Hamburg/Germany
    I have some answers for my question!
    1: Max Size of Partitions is 120GB.
    2: All Partitions that exceed the 120GB mark on your HD won't work properly.
    There is an FIX for both Problems, all we need to get that fix is to convince Ralph Schmidt to release it. :yell:
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5 running UWQHD Resolution
  • »19.03.05 - 15:10
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary

    Finally someone told something meaningful in this topic... I've ased this 3 or 4 times here, and got no answer until this. So I'll wait :)
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »20.03.05 - 23:05
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