X-Window on Morphos
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20
    Does somebody tryed succesfully a X-Window on morphos?

    I remembre the ADE GeekGadget package including a X-Window.
    I tryed it on my A1200 and it was running a little instable, but it
    was running.

    Is it possible to run this X server on MOS?
  • »13.01.05 - 10:33
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 85 from 2003/12/11
    From: Italy
    I found only this:


    And the X11r6 included in GeekGadgets (in the official cd they didn't put some libraries, you can find it in the "alpha" folder).
    I don't know if it works (i'm not on my MorphBox now)
    I was searching it to try to port something like GTK using the same sistem that is on MacOSX (these are only my dreams).

    If it works it could be great to have the sources; i'll try it tonight.


    [ Edited by aliem on 2005/1/14 2:40 ]
  • »13.01.05 - 19:27
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 150 from 2004/6/18
    From: Nagold - Germany

    A working X would be the icing on my Pegasos-cake.
    In the corner I have some Linux server running all the time.

    Having a fast MOS machine with the option to run
    some Linux apps like Firefox etc if needed would be really something.

    I would really appreciate if someone could provide instructions
    howto set this up.

  • »13.01.05 - 20:35
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 41 from 2003/4/7
    From: Åre - Sweden

    BigGun wrote:

    A working X would be the icing on my Pegasos-cake.
    In the corner I have some Linux server running all the time.

    Having a fast MOS machine with the option to run
    some Linux apps like Firefox etc if needed would be really something.

    I actually think X-windows is the worst windowing system ever invented. Crap.
    Besides that, X alone would not give us the ability to run Linux binaries.
    But i guess a port of Gecko (in this case) and maybe GTK would make firefox easier to port...
    What could do such a thing (run a linux binarie) is somethig like "Linux binary compability mode" as FreeBSD has got. But the similaritys between FreeBSD and Linux is far greater than MOS/Linux. So i guess we will have to figure out another way...
    I eat people like you for breakfast ;-)
  • »14.01.05 - 00:22
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
    From: Russia, Moscow
    One day i thought about it. And thought that GeekGadgets port is not a really good implementation. I thought - what if we could just create X API layer? In this case every X program would open usual MorphOS window. Probably we even wouldn't need a window manager for this system because MorphOS is able to do window management itself. AFAIK MacOS X uses the same approach.
    iPod, iBook, iMac,... iRobot?
  • »14.01.05 - 07:18
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  • o1i
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 48 from 2003/2/25

    Sonic wrote:
    One day i thought about it. And thought that GeekGadgets port is not a really good implementation. I thought - what if we could just create X API layer? [..]

    There is a os3.1 68k link library (libX11), which tries to do exactly this. There is also a gcc version on aminet, but it is far from beeing perfect. But as a start, it might help.
  • »14.01.05 - 08:35
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 150 from 2004/6/18
    From: Nagold - Germany

    Besides that, X alone would not give us the ability to run Linux binaries.

    You misunderstood me.
    I don't want to "execute" Linux binaries on MOS.
    I want to export to display from a Linux server to MOS.

    As I mentioned I have a couple of Linux server in the corner running 24/7. These are both x86 and Pegasos servers running Linux.

    Being able to run the program on the server but using them on MOS is what would really help me.
    I was thinking of the client-server model like in the "old" days.

  • »14.01.05 - 09:37
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 85 from 2003/12/11
    From: Italy
    Xami seems to work :) but i need to do some tests in networking.

    I haven't tryed VVA (VNC Viever for Amiga) but it coud be a better solution to use a linuxBox in MorphOS.
  • »14.01.05 - 21:43
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary
    VNC viewer works fine. I was using it a while, and never had any problems.
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »15.01.05 - 18:34
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 407 from 2003/10/12
    what about the VNC server guys ...it never worked for me.... I 'm dying to find a Remote Screen Server Application for MOS.... :-(
    ..there will be only one left.
  • »15.01.05 - 18:40