Download Superbundle from....WhErE?!?!?
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 12 from 2004/11/13
    This completely sux!!!! :)

    Where can I register and download the Superbundle?

    I have tried on the Morph site, it just links to the PegasosPPC site which has a register button that leads to "Stiff shit pal, downloads are down, come back later, in the meantime - jokes on you for wasting your cash on a system which doesnt even come with its ADVERTISED software package - eat shit and die." or words to that effect. :)

    Does any nice individual have an FTP where I can download the Superbundle, if you want proof of my Pegasos 2 purchase I would be only to happy to email you my Vesalia Invoice.

    Just a quick question.... If you go to a computer retailer and buy a computer advertised as having a monitor, PAY FOR IT, then take it home and find there is no monitor in the box..... Do you expect to be told "Check back with us in a month or so pal, we might have one for you then."?????

  • »25.11.04 - 03:36
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2003/12/29
    From: Tokyo - Japan
    The superbundle is not that "super" anyway. ^^;

    I use other programs... The only interesting part is the Developers's tools, I'd say.

    But, yeah, frustrating, uh? Don't wanna get more stress, so I just try taking this things easy.

    Pegasos II G3@600Mhz (no fan) 512MB RAM (1 slot)
    -- Maxtor 6Y120P0 120GB, 7200 rpm -- ATI Radeon 7500 - (64MB, TV-out)
    -- Minuet Slimline PC case -- MorphOS 1.4.5 + Gentoo
  • »25.11.04 - 03:48
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 246 from 2003/5/14
    From: Fort Worth, TX...
    Hopefully this helps? I had to email the people I bought the Peggy from and they set me up with a password to the ftp site.

    If I remember correctly, you've gotta go through the registration process because the number that you are given unlocks some of the superbundle apps so that you can run them.

    Another place you might ask for assistance is the #MorphZone IRC channel.

    Pegasos 1 G3 MorphOS 1.4.5* Mac G4 Sawtooth 1Ghz Tiger 10.4.1* Both Rock! :-D
  • »25.11.04 - 03:50
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 301 from 2003/2/24
    From: Genesi
    Superbundle downloads are disabled currently as a side effect of bringing online the new store; the way users are authenticated has changed on so the original download site stopped working properly.

    The keys were also hardcoded such that only a certain number were ever generated; and it's apparently not possible to generate more to add to the rudimentary password scheme.

    So much for web design in those days, eh?

    The key is also used to authenticate FxPaint, and apply for upgrade deals, but these deals have lapsed. It basically means nobody can use FxPaint anymore. We have to solve this somehow.

    The replacement system just hasn't been written, there hasn't been any time. Everything was SUPPOSED to be consolidated onto one server - MorphOS downloads, updates, goodies and the official Superbundle applicatons - but for one reason or another this keeps being stopped and other things get done instead.

    Once the Genesi sites have been all rewritten into the new style being engineered currently the Superbundle will be available again.

    Anyway you do have the right to download the Superbundle and use it, we just haven't got a reliable way of doing it at the moment.

    Resources are limited, and I only have so many fingers to type with, so much time devoted to other projects, and so little access to fast decisions on subjects, that it just isn't going to be done until maybe just before Christmas.

    This is not about false advertising. You'll get the access. Your Pegasos is not useless (as would be a monitorless PC) without FxPaint or BirdieShoot. You did not buy a Pegasos just for them. Quit whining.

    Matt Sealey, Genesi USA, Inc.
    Developer Relations
    Product Development Analyst
  • »25.11.04 - 11:07
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 301 from 2003/2/24
    From: Genesi
    By the way, if you're desperate, I can burn you official copies of the Superbundle CDs (as an employee and reseller).

    What country are you in?

    Matt Sealey, Genesi USA, Inc.
    Developer Relations
    Product Development Analyst
  • »25.11.04 - 11:10
    Profile Visit Website