Sort by national ABC
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary
    Does the locale-system support sorting by the selected country's own ABC? We, in hungary have special characters like á and é. For example á is between a and b in our ABC, but the filenames starting with á are at the end of the file list.
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »17.08.04 - 02:04
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    dunno if locale supports such stuff at all, but i think sorting is done by using the ascii table. ANd then é or á is somethere behind the normal (latin) letters.

  • »17.08.04 - 09:03
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 587 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...

    Does the locale-system support sorting by the selected country's own ABC?

    Yes. See locale.library function StrnCmp (SC_COLLATE1 and SC_COLLATE2).


    We, in hungary have special characters like á and é. For example á is between a and b in our ABC, but the filenames starting with á are at the end of the file list.

    This is supported by the locale system, and for example 'sort' command uses locale for sorting.

    [ Edited by Piru on 2004/8/17 12:29 ]
  • »17.08.04 - 10:26
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary
    You have right. It seems that the hungarian language file is wrong, and it uses the ASCII table for sorting instead of our ABC.
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »17.08.04 - 23:18
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