Help with MUI (MOS+Gcc)
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 358 from 2003/10/3
    From: Padova - Italy
    I'm trying to program a little GUI interface with MUI, but I've never used it before.
    So with MOS SDK autodocs and the calculators examples I've tryed to open a window,
    add buttons etc. Ok. But now, I'm not able to understand how to catch events...
    I understand the "easy" mode, switching in a while loop between return IDs specified with
    the DoMethod function but, when I try the OOP version using Dispatcher, also looking
    at the examples (SDK + calc3 and following), I have some very big understatement problems!
    Can I use dispatcher without using a custom class? What the h... are the absolute
    hex address used in the header of some MUI examples found in internet?
    Please, excuse me for those lame questions, but I'm absolutely new in programming MUI and
    I have also a little experience with C, but it's a fact that the autodocs included in the
    SDK are not so easy to understand! ;-(
    Can someone give me a little help?
    Thanx a lot and aloha!
  • »25.07.04 - 12:55
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2307 from 2003/2/24
    A dispatcher can only be used with a costum class. Doesn't mean that the class is reall that costum, you just have to declare it based on the standard-class closest to your need and only catch events that you either have to change, or that are newly introduced in your costum class.

    Everything else can just be sent to the Base-class.

    Every MUI-app needs atleast 1 costum class.

    If your GUI doesn't need any other elements than those offered by the standard classes, you might want to make this class a simple notify-class, only collecting all user-inputs to compute whatever your app shall compute.

    Don't know what you mean with hex-addresses, or is it that you are talking about the IDs for the class' attributes/methods :-?
  • »25.07.04 - 13:20
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    You can setup notification:

    DoMethod(button, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, MUIV_Notify_Self, 2, MUIM_CallHook, &ButtonEventHook);

    Now when ever button is pressed MUI calls specified hook for you. In MorphOS this hook must be trapped too.

    Hook would be something like this:

    struct Hook ButtonEventHook = { NULL, NULL, &ButtonEventTrap, NULL, NULL };
    struct EmulLibEntry ButtonEventTrap = { TRAP_LIB, 0, &ButtonEvent };

    void ButtonEvent(void)
    PutStr("Button was pressed!\n");

    Unfortunately this is not covered in calculator examples :-(
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »25.07.04 - 19:45
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 358 from 2003/10/3
    From: Padova - Italy
    Thanx 4 the replies!
    As you said in the 2nd caluclator examples there are 10 lines + of
    comments explaining the simple switch construct to catch the messages
    imposed with DoMethod(), but in the 3rd example and in the followings
    ,sadly, there isn't a single line of remark to explain the
    dispatcher-beast ;-(
    Could someone try to do this?
    Thanx a lot for your time and ciao to Itix and all the others
    mos-programming-gurus :-)
  • »27.07.04 - 19:09
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2307 from 2003/2/24
    Hmmm .... not sure what you mean, but the "switch-construct" IS the dispatcher.

    The "DISPATCHER"-line is just there for some technical details, which shouldn't bother you.

    I must admit that it is getting a bit hard to help you aslong we don't know what you want to do in detail.
  • »27.07.04 - 19:23
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 358 from 2003/10/3
    From: Padova - Italy
    Dear Kronos, you are right and I apologize for that but, sometimes, I must post at work from a win box.
    Now I'm at home with my miggy in front of me and I'll try to be more precise altough my english, as you may see, is far from perfection ;-)

    Here a piece of code cutted from calc2 :

    DoMethod(BT_Clear, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, TRUE, MUIV_Notify_Application, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, CLEAR_ID);

    while ((retval = DoMethod(app, MUIM_Application_NewInput, &signals)) != MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit)
    switch (retval)
    case CLEAR_ID : CalcClear(); break;
    In this exemple, we parse the Method ID to catch a button pressed by the user but, as stated also in the remarks of the example, "ReturnIDs is not recommended way to do it but let's keep it simple, ok?".
    Now we want to make it more complex (I'm masochist :-) and make the parsing of the return id's more OO. So, let's take a look at calc3 source where the calculator itself is build as a custom class.
    We have the usual DoMethod
    DoMethod(BT_Clear, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, TRUE, obj, 1, MUIM_Calculator_Clear);

    then we have (AAARGHH) the dispatcher:


    switch (msg->MethodID)
    case MUIM_Calculator_Clear : return CalcClear (data);

    return DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, msg);
    My answer is: if I don't want to build a custom class, how have I to use the Dispatcher?
    And if I'm forced to build a new class, where could I find some basic hints to do that? Reading MUI autodocs in the SDK make me feel a little crazy... ;-(
    Again thanx for your replies and excuse me for my not very clear posts.
  • »29.07.04 - 10:35
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2307 from 2003/2/24
    Well the dispather is what makes a class costum, and therefore you
    can't have one without the other.
    (/me hums Al-Bundy-title-theme)

    Lets make it simple:

    struct DData
    ULONG bla;

    #define MUIM_Bla_Blub 0x1000001

    This is the private data of the new class, which will be unique for
    each object we create.

    We also define a new Method.

     mcc = MUI_CreateCustomClass(NULL,MUIC_Area,NULL,sizeof(struct

    This will create a class based MUIC_Area (you can use whatever
    base-class you want). It will also make sure that every object has
    enough space for our private Data.


    switch (msg->MethodID)
    case MUIM_Bla_Blupp : return(mBlupp(cl,obj,(APTR)msg));


    MyObj = NewObject(mcc->mcc_Class,NULL,

    This object can now handle all what MUIC_Area can handle plus the new


    SAVEDS ULONG mBluppr(struct IClass *cl,Object *obj,struct SD_Object
    ULONG doppelblupp;
    struct DData *data = (struct DData*)INST_DATA(cl,obj);
    // get the private Data for this object
    doppelblupp = data->bla;
    data->bla = doppelblupp;
    //no one said I had to make sense here ....
    return 0;
  • »29.07.04 - 14:44
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 358 from 2003/10/3
    From: Padova - Italy
    Many thanx Krons!
    with your little turorial I've understood how to build my mui custom class!
    Now I'll try to write a proggy with a (working :-) with a simple GUI.
    Again thanx 4 yout precious help!
  • »04.08.04 - 12:48