Huge problems with Pegasos-II/G3. :-(((
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
    From: Russia, Moscow
    Please help! I can't install software on my Pegasos. I have three huge problems. :-o

    1. After reset (hardware or software) firmware sometimes sees my HDD and sometimes does not. The layout of the devices is: primary=HDD ATA100(Master)+ZIP250(Slave); secondary=HDD non-ATA100(Slave)+CD-ROM(Master). Secondary channel is free of this problem. If i boot MorphOS from CD, it always sees my HDD.

    2. Installed MorphOS onto my hard drive. I created two partitions: Boot: (FFS) ans System: (SFS). Boot: contains only kernel image, the system itself is placed in System:. When i try to boot from my HDD, kernel starts, says: "Quark OpenFirmware", and halts doing nothing. If i run the kernel when CD is inserted, it will find the CD and start system from it.

    3. My hard drive came from my old Amiga, so all other partitions on it use PFS3 filesystem. When i copy files from/to them, system randomly hangs.

    Please help me! :-o :-o :-o :evil:
    iPod, iBook, iMac,... iRobot?
  • »20.07.04 - 07:03
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Hi Sonic,

    Welcome to MorphZone :-)

    It seems your three problems are caused by only one problem.

    Your description matches my own problem I had when switching from my Peg 1 to Peg 2. My Peg 2 didn't see the harddrive in the firmware, but when booted with the MorphOS CD it showed in Ambient.

    As I assume you're using a 80-wired IDE-cable, the only thing you can do is using an other harddrive :-(, unless someone has found a solution for this?


  • »20.07.04 - 10:26
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    1. make sure you have 80wire cables, like spidey suggested

    2. make sure you have set the bootimage partition with FFS to NON-BOOTABLE

    3. make sure your SFS system partition is BOOTABLE

    4. make sure other partitions are NOT bootable or have a lower boot priority than your system partition

    5. make sure you use the correct maxtransfer/mask settings for your PFS3 partitions (mask: 0xfffffffe, max-transfer: 0xffffff)

    6. make sure you have the correct PFS3 filesystem installed to the RDB

    still some ppl have some problems with to slow spinning up hds. I never experienced that myself, but ppl said a simple reset helps here. But when you see Quark starting then HD is spinned up fine already.


    [ Edited by tokai on 2004/7/20 11:55 ]
  • »20.07.04 - 10:53
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
    From: Russia, Moscow
    >1. make sure you have 80wire cables, like spidey suggested

    Yes, both of my cables are 80 wires.

    BTW, a question about it. Manual says: "Old 40 wires cables will not work". And i know that 80 wires cable is designed for ATA100 devices. For other devices it does not make difference whether i use 80 or 40 wires cable. So can i use 40 wires cable for CD-ROM and ZIP drive (if i connect them together and put on one channel)?

    >2. make sure you have set the bootimage partition with FFS to >NON-BOOTABLE

    Thanks, probably this is my problem. I set it to BOOTABLE.

    >still some ppl have some problems with to slow spinning up hds. I never >experienced that myself, but ppl said a simple reset helps here.

    For me it sometimes helps. somtimes not.

    >But when >you see Quark starting then HD is spinned up fine already.

    Of couse. :-) If i can start kernel from HD, it means that firmware sees it this time and it is spinned up.
    iPod, iBook, iMac,... iRobot?
  • »20.07.04 - 11:27
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
    From: Russia, Moscow

    Spidey wrote:
    As I assume you're using a 80-wired IDE-cable, the only thing you can do is using an other harddrive :-(, unless someone has found a solution for this?

    Oh, no!!!!! :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o
    Someone said about "Strong peripherials support". Or did he mean "Strong peripherials" and not "Strong support"? :-?
    iPod, iBook, iMac,... iRobot?
  • »20.07.04 - 11:32
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  • jah
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 69 from 2003/3/24
    i had some detection troubles with a hd used as master, once it is in
    slave everything is fine, perhaps you should give a try to this ?

    [ Edited by jah on 2004/7/20 13:24 ]
  • »20.07.04 - 13:23
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands

    Oh, no!!!!!
    Someone said about "Strong peripherials support". Or did he mean "Strong peripherials" and not "Strong support"?


    Well Sonic, I hope that your problem is solved with the suggestion tokai gave you :-)

    In my Peg II only the harddrives are connected with 80-wired cables. The CD-ROM and DVD-ROM are connected with plain 40-wired cables.

    "5. make sure you use the correct maxtransfer/mask settings for your PFS3 partitions (mask: 0xfffffffe, max-transfer: 0xffffff)"

    This is true for all filesystems and not only for PFS3 filesystems:-?

    I did play with these settings (I've got only SFS filesystems) and didn't have problems with mask 0xffffffff and max-transfer: 0xffffff.
    But I changd the mask setting back to 0xfffffffe.

    (and no, it wasn't with that "faulty" harddrive of mine :-))

    Can you (or somebody else) explain what that mask means?



    [ Edited by Spidey on 2004/7/20 15:15 ]
  • »20.07.04 - 14:14
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot

    of course. you always have to use these settings. for all filesystems.

    but i mentioned it that way because Sonic used old amiga partitions which could have different settings. That's why. :-)

  • »20.07.04 - 14:24
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    Mask has something to do with the aligment (byte boundary) of the readed data into memory and max transfer is about how much can be save transfered at once. i think. :-)

  • »20.07.04 - 14:26
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
    From: Russia, Moscow
    Thank you very much, guys, problem No2 solved. Now i am working on my Pegasos.
    As to N1, i really have to change my HDD. Never buy Samsung! :-(
    And - funny thing - my HDD is built using Marvell chip...
    iPod, iBook, iMac,... iRobot?
  • »20.07.04 - 21:43
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2004/2/4
    I have a 40GB Samsung.. And it's a SUPERB drive... But I did have one problem with it; If I defined partitions fully in the RDB... After rebooting... The partitions dissapeared and it refused to boot from my HD... Maybe it was the same problem? .. I can't say I really rebooted many times to try again and again and again.... The only solution that solved it was whiping out the RDB... iirc I couldnt even edit the RDB using SCSIConfig or similiar.

    Anyway ... I found out that if I skipped partitioning the last few X hundred cylinders of the drive.... THE PROBLEM WAS GONE :) ...... And now it boots and works like a charm. And I have to say its a very slick and quiet harddisk. Didn't know SAMSUNG were capable of this ;) ...

    Dunno if this helps...
  • »21.07.04 - 01:17
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 342 from 2003/6/29
    I wouldn't call this like a charm.
    My Seacrate Barracuda Install worked right for the first time.
    Pegasos PPC
  • »21.07.04 - 03:17
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 568 from 2003/2/24
    From: Netherlands
    Hi ChaoZer,

    It's known sometimes you have to wipe out the RDB. But interesting about the skipping-part! :-)

    Thanks for the info :-)

    The funny-part of my problem with my harddrive was that I used it without problems in my Peg 1!!
    I thought that switching from Peg 1 to Peg 2 would be without any trouble and that I could use the same drive. But unfortunately the Peg 2 didn't recognise it in the firmware.
    At the end I bought a 80GB Maxtor and it this one works flawlessly.

    Oh, the non-working Peg 2 harddrive was a IBM Realstar or so.


  • »21.07.04 - 09:49
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