Nice solution for printing from Gunne...
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20

    Hi Gunne.
    I think your solution is realy very clear and I like it.
    But there is a thing I dont understand and need some help from you.

    Is it possible to print with netpar to a printer shared from a windows server?

    In your exemple, you speak about an IP adresse of a netgear ! Wy ? Dont your printer have an IP adresse? Can we replace the Netgear with a Windows and an USB printer?
    If it's possible to use a windows server,and I dont have a driver on morphos for my CanonI865, can I use the driver from windows

    I know, LOT OF QUESTION ;-)
    Sorry, but your solution is the first realy interesting I saw since long time and waiting for MOS 1.5.

    Thank you for all.
  • »13.07.04 - 18:22
  • Moderator
    Posts: 441 from 2003/2/26
    From: Sweden
    Hi Serge

    Thank You for your feedback !

    I guess you mean you have your printer connected to your PC computer running Windows.

    Im not sure, but as Windows have an inbuilt function for sharing the printer with other computers in the network it might work. Have not tried it so myself. I have the printer connected to a printer server in the network.

    Those printer servers is not so very expensive. The good thing with this solution as I feel is that a printer server is always online, you can shut down, turn on all other computers in your network as you like, and you can print from any computer in your network as you like of course.

    Most printerservers have the possibility to connect at least two printers. So you can have one printer for color printing and one for text ouput for instance.

    About IP adresses;

    Yes the printer server has an IP adress of course, I think I also wrote that in the text, have to check, but I usually tries to give computer or networkplaces some name. I use the name netgear for this one, as it is a netgear.

    No its not possible to use the Windows-driver for printing in MorphOS. You need to have printer-driver on any computer that you would like to print from.

    Hope you find a good way.


    [ Edited by gunne on 2004/7/14 11:32 ]

    [ Edited by gunne on 2004/7/14 11:33 ]
    Best wishes, Gunne
  • »14.07.04 - 10:31
    Profile Visit Website
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20
    thank you very much Gunne.
    I'll try it soon ;-)
  • »14.07.04 - 17:57