Amiga Alpe Adria: what would you show?
  • Moderator
    Posts: 461 from 2003/7/22
    Hi everybody!
    As you might know, this next Saturday a show will take place in Udine, Italy. People from variuos countries will gather to have some fun. Anyway, Mauro "maurensen" is planning to show off his Peg2 G3, and I'll give some help. We were thinking: what would you show, if you were us? Mauro has also been given 40 minutes for a presentation on a big screen (using the projector): how would you spend this time?
    We'd like to make some good impression, but considering that there will be variuos AOS4 representatives showing off the latest betas, and we're somewhat "alone" (although I'm sure the amigan friendly spirit will make it a nice ahow even for us), it will be difficult, so if you have some tips, we need them! :-D

    Kind regards,
  • »30.06.04 - 11:24
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 894 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux

    Some suggestions:

    Show them Mplayer running a nice DivX (not a DVD, 'cause that would be running to slow on a G3), show them Linux running without any probs (started with Bootcreator). Possibly MOL. A demonstration of ANR with various NG skins would also be nice. A rundown of MOS + native PPC graphic functions ( :-P ) ofcourse and some demo's from MadWizards (inc. Fluffy Digital Snowflakes)!
  • »30.06.04 - 12:17
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland
    show the beta version of my puzzle game

    For those interested, there will likely be also 68k version, which (reportedly) works well on OS4 aswell (But its too outdated compared to MOS version to be released...)

    And if anyone wants to comment, feel free to mail me at

    [ Edited by Jupp3 on 2004/6/30 14:53 ]
  • »30.06.04 - 12:52
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 276 from 2003/3/15
    From: The Netherlands
    Show the Cool, Awesome, Great, Fantastic game FotoFoto from
    Attention-Software :-D

    HOLLAND !!! :pint:

    [ Edited by Sphinx_Ra on 2004/6/30 16:07 ]
  • »30.06.04 - 15:06
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 530 from 2003/2/25
    From: France
    You should show some 68k apps running emulated with JIT enabled. Some old mandelbrot apps (cpu intensive!) would do the job.

    Some 3D accelerated (Quake2?) games would be a must too if the Peg have a voodoo video board.

    MOS filesystem organization should be shown and explained as well. The concept of separation between standard OS files & user files is nice and give a more stable & robust system.

    In disorder :
    - MUI improvements
    - Window transparency (transpoclock?)
    - OpenFirmware
    - DVD burning
    - Hollywood
    - Printing support
    - ...

    40 minutes. It is short ;).
    Quelque soit le chemin que tu prendras dans la vie, sache que tu auras des ampoules aux pieds.
    I need to practice my Kung Fu.
  • »30.06.04 - 16:16
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 461 from 2003/7/22
    First of all, thanks for the replies: keep 'em coming, we'll be reading them all, so that we can enhance the presentation. Jupp3, thank you for the link...

    Stevo wrote:
    A rundown of MOS + native PPC graphic functions ( :-P )

    I guess we'll see native graphic functions on AOS4 as well, demonstrated for the first time. After all, there's at least one AOS4 developer attending (maybe more), and Ben Hermans himself... :-P
    This is one reason we need something nice to show off - Mauro, being an humble user, is like David against Goliath!

    and some demo's from MadWizards (inc. Fluffy Digital Snowflakes)!

    I love demos (and in fact we're planning to show some), but no VooDoo here. So, do you know which are the best two-three PPC non-Warp3D demos working on the Peg (and possibly a download link as well :-D )? Excluding those on the MorphZone, already positively considered.

    Kind regards,
  • »30.06.04 - 16:44
  • Leo
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 419 from 2003/8/18
    No, no, no and NO !! ;)

    MorphOS has so many specific features that you only want to show what you can do on any other OS ?!

    Sure you can show that it's possible to watch a Divx, burn a CD,... on MorphOS but I don't think that's what will make people have interest in MorphOS... Don't forget that all people already have a computer with an OS that allows to play divx, burn CD, print,... So I think you should focus on specific MorphOS stuff and on how different it is to do the same things on MorphOS than on "classic" Linux/Win/OSX.

    => Please try to show as many nice specific MorphOS stuff as you can...

    For example:

    .Multiple screens and how fast you can switch between them,... (different resolutions,...)

    .MUI: and how you can have a specific look for any app (and even a different one for different sessions of the same app): just click on the menu->mui settings icon, change something, use/save and here we are !

    .USB: you run Mame without a pad plugged... *without* leaving mame, you insert the pad and it works instantly. No need to relaunch the app...

    .Plug'n'play video cards ;) First run the Pegasos with a Voodoo... Then power off it, insert a Radeon and... magic, it works ;) no need to install anything or go through XFree86Config... (If you could have access to Radeon (Beta?) 3D driver and show it also works for 3D that would be great but I doubt they would give you even a single byte of new stuff ;()

    .A nice Madwizards Demo ;)

    .You could also show how easy it is to make a bootable CD: burn your sys: partition and here we are ! ;)

    .Show localisation system and how it is integrated into the OS (almost big apps make use of it)

    .Show how you can make use of ARexx to communicate between applications

    .And to forget to explain that all fits in around 30Mo ! ;)

    .... There are so many things to show: why get stuck with DivX and CD Burning ?!


    [ Edited by Leo on 2004/6/30 17:59 ]

    [ Edited by Leo on 2004/6/30 18:02 ]
    Nothing hurts a project more than developers not taking the time to let their community know what is going on.
  • »30.06.04 - 18:58
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 461 from 2003/7/22

    Leo wrote:
    No, no, no and NO !! ;)

    MorphOS has so many specific features that you only want to show what you can do on any other OS ?!

    Of course no! But keep in mind that it's an Amiga show, so it would be nice to show things that were not usually possible on an old Amiga environment. OTOH, some MOS features that might amaze Windows users are quite common for an Amiga-like stage... Anyway thnks for your input (oh, and the part about MAME and plugging an USB joy on the fly was already planned!).

    Ok, apart from repeating my request for advice about demos that work in software mode, I would like to ask one last thing: could you please tell us which productivity/serious software you would show (something either free/PD or that has a demo available for download). We would like to know if we're missing something obvious. ;-) (of course, SuperBundle excluded).

    Kind regards,
  • »01.07.04 - 13:37
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 894 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux
    btw, wasn't Digital Fluffy Snowflakes originally coded to run on a Radeon instead of a Voodoo?
  • »01.07.04 - 14:21
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 530 from 2003/2/25
    From: France
    Why not try to have a Pagestream 5 demo ?
    Quelque soit le chemin que tu prendras dans la vie, sache que tu auras des ampoules aux pieds.
    I need to practice my Kung Fu.
  • »01.07.04 - 14:23
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 199 from 2004/2/9
    Amiga show or not, it ia a computer show :) What about showing all the differente os you can run on your Pegasos ? The SuperBundle as well have some interesting stuff.

  • »01.07.04 - 15:45
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 358 from 2003/10/3
    From: Padova - Italy
    Yes, as stated in a better english than mine :-) by guruman, thanx to the nice guy behind Cloanto, we'll have the possibility to demo in a wide screen MOS.
    Many Thanx Michele!!!
    I'd like to point that we'll go to the fair absolutely 4 free with my beloved Peg only 4 fun and to meet other amigans.
    But the point is that we'll be the only with a Peg and we'll be face to face with many A1 and mA1 with brand new betas of OS4 and various software.
    We are simple MOS users and we'll like to demo something of very COOL, but my Peg is only a plain G3 with MOS 1.4.2 with its beauty but also with its limitations... :-(
    So, if someone has a demo of his killer-app laying in the HD, please, quickly contact us and let us make people say "WOW, only Peg Makes it possible !!" :-D
    Ciao and aloha!
  • »01.07.04 - 16:35
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    How about some SDL stuff? OpenTTD, lGeneral, Quadromania (silly game) etc.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »01.07.04 - 17:52