Mount a PC hard disk
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 48 from 2003/5/13

    I have a hard disk that comes from an old PC under Windows and I want to move its important datas pluging it into the Pegasos. The partitions are not recognized ... Do you know a tool or things to do to mount these FAT partitions ?
  • »06.06.04 - 19:13
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary
    You need these lines in the DEVS:DOSDrivers/PCx (x is the partition you want to mount, C for first, D for second, etc) and the fat95 filesystem file in L:.
    Don't forget to modify the Device and Unit lines!

    /* Mountfile for PC HD's */
    Device = ide.device
    Unit = 1
    Flags = 0
    BufMemType = 1
    Mask = 0xFFFFFFFE
    Maxtransfer = 0x20000
    Filesystem = L:fat95
    Stacksize = 4096
    Globvec = -1
    Buffers = 200
    Control = "+s"

    Surfaces = 1
    BlocksPerTrack = 1
    Lowcyl = 0
    Highcyl = 1
    Blocksize = 512

    Dostype = 0x46415401
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »06.06.04 - 21:14
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 31 from 2004/3/31

    GK_LKA wrote:
    You need these lines in the DEVS:DOSDrivers/PCx (x is the partition you want to mount, C for first, D for second, etc) and the fat95 filesystem file in L:.
    Don't forget to modify the Device and Unit lines!

    You mix up CrossDOS and FAT95! For CrossDOS you chose partitions by the third letter in the DosDrivers name (0,1,2,3 = use entire disk, C = first partition, D = second partition etc.) while the DosType is always the same. For FAT95 cou can name the DosDriver as you like, no need to call it "PCx". You choose the partition by the DosType here. Read the docs for more information. IIRC is was 0x464154xx with xx=00 -> use the entire disk (e.g. floppy disk), 01 -> read MBR and use first partition, 02 -> read MBR and use second partition, and so on.

  • »06.06.04 - 21:34
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 48 from 2003/5/13
    Thank you, GK_LKA and Thomas, that seems to work. I have to check how many partitions I have with the disk in the PC but now 2 partitions mount on the Pegasos !

    This important disk is no more unused !
  • »07.06.04 - 09:03
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 481 from 2004/3/28
    From: Hungary

    You might have right :) I don't use FAT disks for a while and this file was from my old system. Yes, here is one of the largest adventage of AOS (and -clones): you install your system in 1998, update when some new thing comes out and use the same system without real reinstall (I mean no need to reinstall programs, core OS, etc.) in 2004... :)
    [ GK / LKA Team ]
  • »07.06.04 - 12:17
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