HDD Partitioning problems
  • JKD
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 456 from 2003/4/4
    From: South of heaven
    have my Peg2 with MOS1.4.2. My HDD died, luckily I had my 'spare'
    200GB Seagate lying around. Have been using this fairly successfully
    since Sunday but I hit a roadblock today.

    It seems that MOS or Ambient won't recognize anymore than 10
    partitions on the drive. They show up in OF with an ls
    /pci/ide/disk@0,0 .. the DOSTYPE and everything is recognized but they
    do not show on an info command or in Ambients Format menu.

    Yes..I have checked 'Mount' in SCSIconfig....the partitions at least
    show here.

    MOS 1.4 bug????

  • »25.05.04 - 09:48