About CPU Monitor...
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 15 from 2004/2/13

    Little time ago, i was thinking about an utility called CPUMonitor
    with some special functions, but as i'm not a coder i haven't do it...

    Fortunaly, someone make it and now it become real ! Thanks Tokai :-)

    Now i would say that would be great if some improvements could be
    add to future releases of CPU Monitor and if CPU Monitor
    could be integrated in MOS.

    Some ideas :

    - Display sensor temperature of CPU

    - Alarm warning at 80-90% of max range temperature (popup windows + sound)

    - Halt CPU during xx minutes when this limit temperature is exceed
    to avoid damage

    - Display CPU Infos (yes, already did it in about Ambient menu)

    More ideas ? ;-)

    - Graphics improvements : grid of xx% (like Win), more colors : for example,
    peaks colorization : yellow (80%), orange (90%) and red (95%)

    - Log CPU activity (sure useless)

    Finally, thanks again to Tokai for your great job. :-)

    Best regards,

  • »28.04.04 - 23:24
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    hi blaster,


    and if CPU Monitor could be integrated in MOS.

    this does not depend on me. :-)


    - Display sensor temperature of CPU

    this is not supported yet with MorphOS (there is a function but it returns always false) As soon it's supported it will be added (also to statline), but i don't want to hack manually inside some registers.


    - Display CPU Infos (yes, already did it in about Ambient menu)

    maybe. I'll think about.


    - Graphics improvements : grid of xx% (like Win),

    some grid is planed. but it will for sure _not_ look like the Display in the Windows taskmanager.


    more colors : for example,
    peaks colorization : yellow (80%), orange (90%) and red (95%)

    more colours are 'in development', but they will not show some peak visualization.

  • »29.04.04 - 09:00
    Profile Visit Website
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 15 from 2004/2/13
    Thx for your precision, and as we said, keep up the good work ! :-)

  • »29.04.04 - 22:04