• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 518 from 2003/2/25
    From: France

    Papiosaur wrote:
    Bizarelly, i have no changes on my screen if i change prefs (G5 with Radeon 1950)...

    Any ideas please?

    I guess you probably have to wait night time to see a radical change. But even there, in fact, the change is probably extremly subtle to notice as the color temperature shift is probably smoothed over time. Didn't dived much in the source code but I guess alfie did that.

    Try to fake the time (say noon (midi) to midnight (minuit) time change) to see a radical color temperature change?
    Quelque soit le chemin que tu prendras dans la vie, sache que tu auras des ampoules aux pieds.
    I need to practice my Kung Fu.
  • »22.06.24 - 11:36
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