• ASiegel
    Posts: 1372 from 2003/2/15
    From: Central Europe

    I replaced "https" with "http" in the link you provided as the website does not appear to have a valid SSL certificate.


    Here is an extract of the readme file so you do not have to download the archive to find out what the software is about:

    sunny was written because I am too used to "night colors" on various operating systems. The "default" 6500K temperature is "too much" for me. During the day, I use a temperature of 5600K. When the sun sets, I shift to 2500-3500 depending on my humor.

    First of all, IMHO, gamma should be monitor property and screens that use that monitor should inherit that. Instead on mos, gamma is applied on each screen. That means sunny can only change gamma on a single screen. That screen is the "Workbench" screen and it can't be (atm) changed.

    Second, screen must be created with the attribute SA_GammaControl set to TRUE. Workbench is not created with that attribute, so a patch to OpenScreenTagList is needed to intercept the opening of "Workbench" and add SA_GammaControl, TRUE to its init attributes. The patch must be applied before LoadWB is called. Luckly, LoadWB is called in MOSSYS:S/startup-sequence after S:user-startup.

    So, all you have to do is add the following two lines:

    run <>NIL: C:sunny
    C:WaitForPort SUNNY

    at the beginnig of your S:user-startup. If you run sunny after, without having booted with the patch active, sunny will be not able to change the screen temperature (and it has to way to communicate that to the user).

    Third, if Workbench is opened with SA_GammaControl set to TRUE, gamma in Settings/screen Resolution/Edit/Gamma are not applied to the monitor. They are saved, but you can't see what you are doing.

    Forth, are the above values considered? They aren't at the moment. intuition.library has a bug that prevents reading them. You must wait for intuition "version>51" or "version=51 revision>40" (aka mos>3.18).

    So, the initial gamma ramp is a linear "default" one. Probably it is what you use every day, anyway.

    Oh dear, this is a very early alpha version. It works fine, but it has many things not yet implemented. There is quite no check on the options. No warning you have
    not defined your position and so on. But it is "usable".

    How To:
    Copy sunny to C: Add the two lines as above to your S:user-startup and reboot. Via Exchange or in a shell, open sunny interface and set your latitude and longitude. These are in decimal form; the latitude is positive for the north
    emisphere and negative for the south emisfere; the longitude is positive at east of Greenwich and negative at west of Greenwich.
    Adjust the temperatures for the night time and the day time and save. Tell me what is wrong and what to change. Of course I will not implement stuff like geolocation.

    sunny must be started early in S:user-startup

    If run twice, it opens its window. When its window is closed, all MUI resources are freed.

    It's command line arguments are;

    It's ICON tooltypes are


    - alfie
  • »20.06.24 - 06:21