Systemclock vs Hardwareclok
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 26 from 2003/4/28
    From: Westmalle , Be...

    My sytemclock on Pegasos I mos 1.42 runs arond 30 sec a day faster then the hardwareclock.
    How is it possibel ??
    If my Pegasos works 3 days my clock is more of one minut foward , I do a reset , the clock is ajust ?
  • »16.03.04 - 16:28
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 159 from 2003/10/24
    From: Portland Orego...
    iirc the HW clock and the System clock are completely different parts. Therefore they can have different times. This allows for a hw clock to be set in (just an example) gmt and your system clock to be set to local time. If you have the right command in your start up they should syncronize on a reboot.
  • »16.03.04 - 16:34