• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 653 from 2003/2/24
    From: Hungary

    This may sound silly, but anytime I try to save information in a infofile (like changing the properties of a file) mos says "icon system:apps:yamblabla went away" and it just doesn't create the .info file. It's a bit annoying to everytime select 'view as->all files' to start a proggy. (also icons for such 'hidden' files appear on toolbars as empty spaces)

    Ambient won't create info files for you, and you can only edit info files which are existing. It's rather easy to create such info files though, just save a png picture with "programname.info" name, where programname is the name of the program you'd like to have an icon. From then on you can edit and save the content of the info file.
  • »10.03.04 - 14:28
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