• Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2004/1/19
    This may sound silly, but anytime I try to save information in a infofile (like changing the properties of a file) mos says "icon system:apps:yamblabla went away" and it just doesn't create the .info file. It's a bit annoying to everytime select 'view as->all files' to start a proggy. (also icons for such 'hidden' files appear on toolbars as empty spaces)

    Also, perfectpaint doesn't work perfect :)
    Is there any 2d paint proggy that has (most of) deluxepaint shortcuts? Or will deluxepaint itself work?

    Btw, I can't login to morphzone using voyager, is this a known problem or am I doing something wrong?

  • »10.03.04 - 10:31