FTPMount and protection bits and view text files "online"
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 570 from 2007/7/29
    I use FTPMount to access a FTP server. Files copied from remote to the local disk all have file attributes set to ------. Is there a way to keep these attributes or automatically set them to at least RWED? Otherwise I always have to change them after every transport which is very annoying because it always needs a second command "protect" before I can copy the next file.
    The readme says " Protection bits cannot be modified." I think this goes for the remote files.

    Also when I am in the remote directory and call a local program like "ed" it alwaays tries to open a remote file at first. This always takes time. Can it be made any smarter? I do not want to give full path to local files all the time like c:ed.

    But when I want to edit the remote file like "ed RECENT" from aminet host then FTPMount always say it cannot open the remote file. So I always have to copy it to my local computer before I can read it. Is there any way around this?
  • »28.07.15 - 19:32