Rexxsyslib renaming
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 753 from 2011/11/30
    I was messing with my system and now I am getting an annoying cli output every time I start MorphOS "IconX cannot rename rexxsyslib.libary_disabled to rexxsyslib.libary_disabled because object already exists". Isn't just possible to get rid of the dummy rexxsyslib and leave only the working one on mossys:libs? How I can stop this message?
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »19.03.15 - 13:23
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  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2071 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO
    Uh... I'd first try to investigate which script is trying to rename the library. There's no point to rename it constantly. Do you have something unusual in WBStartup drawer? A script which would try to do that? IconX is usually used to launch scripts from icons...

    You should keep the dummy library renamed to rexxsyslib.library_disabled in mossys:, because then MorphOS installer knows that it shouldn't overwrite the rexxsyslib.library when upgrading the system. If you only have one file there, it will be gone in the next system upgrade and you have to remember to copy it back every time yourself.
  • »19.03.15 - 15:09
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 753 from 2011/11/30
    Well, I forgot to mention that I am using Pack Chrysalis as well.

    I have a couple of applications running under wbstartup but how can I investigate which script exactly is executed at boot? Isn't too early (straight after boot) for snoopium to catch this type of info? Perhaps Papi can shed some light?

    In the meantime, the startup-sequence looked clear.

    By the way I I removed the dummy and after reboot and it renamed my actual rexxsyslib resulting to an Ambient message that I do not have an active rexx installed :P
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »19.03.15 - 15:24
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  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2071 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO
    Heh, something is definitely wrong there.

    Every file in WBStartup is executed at the boot and I'd just take a look inside every script file found there if it contains the corresponding rename line. You'll recognize the script files by clicking a file with rmb and if it says it to be a text document or script. Or just try to open them with text viewer/editor. Hopefully there isn't too many script files executing another script files or something :)
  • »19.03.15 - 15:48
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 753 from 2011/11/30
    Found it! It's the add-startup script located in the wbstartup drawer that comes Pack Chrysalis.

    The first lines include:

    ;BEGIN Arexx
    assign >NIL: MUIRexx: c:
    If Exists mossys:libs/rexxsyslib.library
    rename Mossys:Libs/rexxsyslib.library Mossys:Libs/rexxsyslib.library_disabled
    ;END Arexx

    Should I just delete them? I think that I need the script because it has other various assigns regarding FreeDB, AmiSSL and more.
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »19.03.15 - 17:40
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  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2071 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO
    At least you could comment out (add ; in front of them) the three lines (If..., rename..., EndIf) if you manually put the 68k rexxsyslib.library there and the dummy one to rexxsyslib.library_disabled.

    One would assume that Chrysalis would copy the working library somewhere if it disables the one in mossys:libs, but I'm not that familiar with it.

    Maybe you installed the library manually or with Grunch at some point and it gets confused with it now? Maybe Papiosaur should add deeper checking on them...

    [ Edited by jPV 19.03.2015 - 20:45 ]
  • »19.03.15 - 18:40
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...
    Well, your real issue was that you had put the 68k rexxsyslib in MOSSYS:Libs, I suggest you move it to SYS:Libs to prevent issues like this and also to make sure it doesn't get replaced on the next MorphOS update.

    - CISC
  • »20.03.15 - 05:55