• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2014/7/15
    Hi neoman,

    I've been using release 1.1 beta for my gmail and my yahoo imap accounts. I want to ask/report some things.

    The first one is about the folder properties. It seems they are not saved. If I change the type and primary sort, for example, it works as long as I don't close SimpleMail. Every time I start it, the folder properties are unchanged.

    Is that happening to other users or am I doing something wrong?


    neoman wrote:
    A new day, a new release 1.1, beta for now, because I'm not sure if I got the hostname validation completely right.
    PowerBook 5.8 MorphOS 3.18
    Mac Mini MorphOS 3.18
  • »18.11.14 - 13:16