Grunch fails to update MUIbase v0.0
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 327 from 2012/6/13
    From: Pacifica, CA
    Folks, for som time I'm getting an error in Grunch saying that it can't update MUIbase v0.0. Is there anu other way to get this update? Or is it a way to force Grunch to update it? Thanks.
    MacMini G4 1.5GHz with MorphOS 3.9 FPGA MiST w/AmigaOS 3.9 (PFS3), FPGA Replay w/AmigaOS3.9, Amiga 1200 SCSI CD-RW, X-SURF 100 w/Rapidroad USB, External FDD with Chinon and Gotek units and Acer Aspire One ICAROS
  • »12.11.14 - 03:11
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27

    WeiXing3D wrote:
    Folks, for som time I'm getting an error in Grunch saying that it can't update MUIbase v0.0. Is there anu other way to get this update? Or is it a way to force Grunch to update it? Thanks.

    You can simply go to

    and download the v 3. In the Amiga archive is also the morphos ppc version.

  • »12.11.14 - 05:38
    Profile Visit Website
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1044 from 2004/9/23

    WeiXing3D wrote:
    Folks, for som time I'm getting an error in Grunch saying that it can't update MUIbase v0.0. Is there anu other way to get this update? Or is it a way to force Grunch to update it? Thanks.

    Just tested and it worked fine.

  • »12.11.14 - 10:23