Torrent clients too out of date?
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 60 from 2003/4/16
    From: Spokane, Washi...
    I recently decided to catch up on one of the television shows I used to watch, and have been downloading episodes via torrents.

    With clients that I have tried, I'm lucky if it reaches 8kB/s. Utorrent is currently seeing 100+ under XP.

    So far I have tried BeeHive, ctorrent, bittorrent and mldonkey. Mldonkey wouldn't start transferring anything while the others averaged less than what I showed above.

    Anyone had decent luck with these recently?
  • »06.03.09 - 07:18
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    Tried this?
  • »06.03.09 - 07:26
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    With clients that I have tried, I'm lucky if it reaches 8kB/s. Utorrent is currently seeing 100+ under XP.

    Make sure you forward the appropriate ports (6887-9 by default) in your router/firewall, otherwise you will indeed be lucky to reach 8kB/s...

    Personally I have best results with the latest BitTorrent client on MorphOS (usually because it supports DHT), though it's worth noting that file-access always was sub-optimal (but that shouldn't hinder a decent download speed) with the ixemul version on MorphOS 1.4.x

    - CISC
  • »06.03.09 - 07:55
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 60 from 2003/4/16
    From: Spokane, Washi...

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    Tried this?

    I did try it.. A little better results. It eventually quit responding at 10%. I restarted the program and it stopped again at 13%. I gave up. (Didn't freeze the machine. I could still break the program but it wasn't responding to the network anymore.)

    I also did a bit of searching looking for cli options and ran across this.
  • »07.03.09 - 15:57
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 60 from 2003/4/16
    From: Spokane, Washi...

    CISC wrote:

    With clients that I have tried, I'm lucky if it reaches 8kB/s. Utorrent is currently seeing 100+ under XP.

    Make sure you forward the appropriate ports (6887-9 by default) in your router/firewall, otherwise you will indeed be lucky to reach 8kB/s...

    Personally I have best results with the latest BitTorrent client on MorphOS (usually because it supports DHT), though it's worth noting that file-access always was sub-optimal (but that shouldn't hinder a decent download speed) with the ixemul version on MorphOS 1.4.x

    - CISC

    Are you referring to version 4.3.6? That's the most recent one I can find. It does indeed work better than the others. (All of them appear to be a little aged. I haven't ran across anything ported after 2006.)

    As far as ports go.. I just set up the machine with a static IP and configured the router so it is in it's "DMZ." Easier than having to modify the forwarding rules when the IP changes.
  • »07.03.09 - 16:09
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16

    yes, transmission 0.6.1 wasn't very compliant to the protocol. Besides, it has like you noticed a stall issue (restarting it is enough, but it's not a solution).

    Maybe a more recent version would fix this. Assuming it follows the protocol correctly now, it would deserve an integrated gui anyway. :)
  • »07.03.09 - 16:48
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 60 from 2003/4/16
    From: Spokane, Washi...

    The wiki says versions after 0.70 corrected the compliance issues. (And that was in 2007 so one would expect newer versions to behave better.)

    A gui? That would rock!
  • »07.03.09 - 18:28
  • tom
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 147 from 2003/7/22
    From: Heesch, The Ne...
    MLDonkey works fine for me. Not really fast, but quite stable.
    800MB (if new) takes one day downloading (sometimes donkeyfiles are as fast)
    MLDonkey is downloading 24 hours a day without problems.....

    regards, Tom
  • »07.03.09 - 20:58
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2007/9/14
    From: The building p...
    I am also using MLDonkey.
    Tried alot of different torrent programs and this is really good i have used it for years.
    Read the manual and try this wonderful thing.
    There is a new port of MLDonkey 3.0 at
  • »08.03.09 - 09:50
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 619 from 2005/8/27
    From: the land with ...

    Are you referring to version 4.3.6? That's the most recent one I can find.

    Hmmm, right, I suppose I never bothered making a frozen binary of 4.4.0 (which I am running here as an "uncompiled" python script), though I don't think there were many important changes between those versions...

    If yomgui's python port has the right components built in this version should run fine for everyone else too, later versions might work as well, but I doubt it as they switched to Twisted, which had several issues on MorphOS IIRC.

    - CISC
  • »08.03.09 - 10:39
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France
    BeeHive is kinda efficient here, i get around 50Kb/s on most torrents, and this is almost the maximum rate my poor DSL line allows.
    Setting up your router is very important, don't override this part.
  • »09.03.09 - 21:50
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles
    Hi Soundsquare

    Beehive has a gui right? Does it work OOTB?

    Has ML Donkey grew any in regards to a GUI or still using a webrowser or whatever it is..
    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
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  • »10.03.09 - 07:48
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 423 from 2005/4/9
    From: magyarorszag/h...
    beehive has a gui. its simple but usable. if you wanna leech more than one torrent you have to run more beehives, fe. unfortunately, some torrents can kill beehive by loading them (and it kills the whole system). but when it works the torrents downloading with my max bandwidth.

    mldonkey (3) still doesnt has a gui afaik, but the html interface not that bad.

    we can use torrets and some p2p in these ways but a better client would be very welcomed (and a dc++ client also:).
    DEAD pegII/G4@1000.1gb ram.radeon 9200pro
    240 gigz dvdrw.MorphOS 2.4 DEAD
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  • »10.03.09 - 11:20
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1213 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France

    Hi Soundsquare Beehive has a gui right? Does it work OOTB?

    hi Magnetic,

    yes it does, and as sadddam said it works nicely as long as you set up the right ports. It's as easy as launching it, selecting your torrent file and destination folder.
    I only had some problem when trying to open a second behive for another torrent at the same time, the second torrent would never start. I didn't try to find a way to get around it though.

    [ Edited by SoundSquare on 2009/3/10 14:11 ]
  • »10.03.09 - 13:10
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 423 from 2005/4/9
    From: magyarorszag/h...
    hm, i could use 2-3 beehive at the same time (never tried more). something wrong with your setup i guess.
    i've also configured ambient to open beehive at doubleclick on a torrent file.
    sadly the same does not work for ibrowse, it wants to start beehive in cli mode (ctorrent)...
    DEAD pegII/G4@1000.1gb ram.radeon 9200pro
    240 gigz dvdrw.MorphOS 2.4 DEAD
    amiga1200T.blizzardppc@180/040@25.96megz ram
  • »10.03.09 - 13:43
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 144 from 2005/8/10
    From: Poland , Chelm
    We need on MorphOS a good torrent . New transsmision with GUI hmmmm :)
    Hardware :
    Power Mac G5 2.3 Ghz & MorphOS 3.18 & OSX 10.5
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  • »14.03.09 - 22:45
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland
    I spoke to Shape and apparently there is a new version of Enhanced CTorrent, so there might be an update to Beehive soon. Fingers crossed. <- Free music
  • »14.03.09 - 23:12
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    Whats wrong with ?Torrent ? :)
  • »15.03.09 - 18:51
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    Why so low transfer rate?. Shouldn't it go as fast as your connection allows?.
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »26.06.12 - 14:42
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > Why so low transfer rate?

    This may help:
  • »26.06.12 - 16:29
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 870 from 2008/7/11
    From: Delaware, USA
    I would research these threads on using mldonkey. I use it exclusively now and it is fast enough. It works with only a few hic cups, mainly due to the torrent file, but it has a webinterphase which works on owb (http://localhost:4080/) once mldonkey is started.
  • »26.06.12 - 16:55
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 874 from 2007/4/9
    From: Kingston upon ...

    Same here. Enqueuetorrent & P2PGuardian are also nice additions. :-)

    The web inerface may be plain-looking (compared to fe. uTorrent's funky graphs) but it is surprisingly good once you get used to it.

    I do find that the web interface freezes intermittently though (possibly the core too, can't remember tbh), but it's easy enough to ctrl+c the relevent console and restart it as a workaround.

    UI: Powerbook 5,6 (1.67GHz, 128MB VRam): OS3.1, OSX 10.5.8
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    Windows free since 2011!
  • »26.06.12 - 18:04
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 204 from 2007/9/14
    From: The building p...
    If you encounter that MLDonkey don't respond at all, you must increase the loop_delay variable in downloads.ini
    MLDonkey also stops to respond until a file allocation is done and this can take a while depending on harddrive and file size, in this case the loop_delay variable has no effect.
  • »26.06.12 - 19:35
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 870 from 2008/7/11
    From: Delaware, USA
    Lately, (actuallly months now, but I've reached my patience level) MLDonley isn't getting my entire torrents, and it just idles at a low d/l% and of course after 12hrs or so the nework issues kick in and there is no more d/l. Restarting does the same. Anyone else using MLD with these issues? Any solutions, or torrent options? CTorrent doesn't bring in my files.
    Be nice if we got transmission ver like Pc/ubuntu/mac or perhaps web interface

    [ Edited by xyphoid 29.03.2014 - 09:47 ]
  • »29.03.14 - 15:34
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 728 from 2006/5/28
    From: Germany
    yeah i have the same problem with mldonkey. no download at all. any update on this?
    Pegasos II G4 @1.0GHz, 1GB DDR Ram, Radeon 9200Pro, 240GB SSD+160GB HD, MorphOS 3.18, AmigaOS4.1 FE, Debian 8
  • »02.04.14 - 23:30