PB manual fan control
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 63 from 2007/3/9
    From: Finland
    Currently dual booting with Tiger so I can adjust at what temps the fans kick in with the excellent G4FanControl. These settings are hopefully saved in firmware so when booting directly into MorphOS they are just as I left them.
    The defaults are for a quiet but hotter computer when you just want to check your mail or listen to some music.
    These custom values are better for work and h264 video playback (in OS X HTML5 video is jerky and useless, in OWB silky smooth but especially CPU intensive - why? I thought it used ffmpeg/mplayer as the backend) as I don't get a damn heart attack every time the fans kickstart at full throttle when the motherboard just reached 75 degrees :-D
    I would gladly pay the same amount, 10 euros, for a native MorphOS tool that can do the same as I rarely use OS X for anything else these days.

    CBM Amiga 1200 + 4MB AMITEK with 33MHz 68882 FPU
    PowerBook5,4 1024MB 1333MHz G4
  • »22.02.14 - 12:30
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3088 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    The fan trigger values are currently hardcoded and couldn't be changed with an external application. I once considered making these configurable but I would not like to be accountable for someone frying his laptop.
  • »23.02.14 - 08:38
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 63 from 2007/3/9
    From: Finland
    Lower them slightly perhaps?
    The steady low RPM hum of the fans is quite soothing..

    CBM Amiga 1200 + 4MB AMITEK with 33MHz 68882 FPU
    PowerBook5,4 1024MB 1333MHz G4
  • »23.02.14 - 13:20
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 641 from 2004/1/25
    From: Prague, The Cz...

    jacadcaps wrote:
    The fan trigger values are currently hardcoded and couldn't be changed with an external application. I once considered making these configurable but I would not like to be accountable for someone frying his laptop.

    The responsibility problem can be simply solved by a huge requester informing about possible risks. I'd love to have such application just to run fans all the time, it's imo much better, than listening them turning on and off again and again...

  • »25.02.14 - 10:29
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3088 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada

    MarK wrote:
    The responsibility problem can be simply solved by a huge requester informing about possible risks. I'd love to have such application just to run fans all the time, it's imo much better, than listening them turning on and off again and again...

    Those fans were really not designed to run all the time. You would hear them die soon.
  • »25.02.14 - 12:34
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