• ASiegel
    Posts: 1371 from 2003/2/15
    From: Central Europe

    Derringer wrote:
    Don't know if there was a discussion about it, and i know it is a half solution, but AFAIK Libreoffice has an option to work as a web app. So someone set up a server and install the needed files, and then you can use libreoffice under MOS and OWB.


    This "browser-mode" is roughly the equivalent of running Libre Office via VNC on a separate machine, except that VNC would be a more flexible approach since you could run other applications as well (plus the image compression methods are likely more optimized and adaptive).

    The only thing that OWB would do is download PNG files showing the LibreOffice user interface. None of the actual editing functionality would be run inside the web browser. To reach decent levels of performance, you will need a rather fast connection to the server.
  • »12.02.14 - 13:00