Found a bug in UAE
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 5 from 2014/1/14
    Hi everyone.
    I've just found a bug in the latest UAE-build. (not the JIT one)

    If I enable uae_rcli in the startup-sequence my keyboard isn't recognizing any keystrokes.
    If uae_rcli is disabled everthing is right and it's possible to quit UAE by pressing CTRL+ALT+Q.

    I'm Using Morphos 3.4 on an Ibook G4 14" with 1.42 Ghz. No Commodities running.

    Does someone als half this kind of problem?

    Thanks for help.
  • »09.02.14 - 13:34
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 133 from 2007/3/11
    I use uae_rcli in my UAE installation (launched right after C:LoadWB with a "Run >nil: C:uae_rcli").
    I noticed no problem.
  • »09.02.14 - 13:52
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 5 from 2014/1/14
    Mayby i give a try to this solution.

    I'll be reporting.
  • »09.02.14 - 14:07
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 5 from 2014/1/14
    Ok I've tested your solution but this doesn"t solve the problem.
    UAE get's realy slow and the sound starts stuttering.
    Running the WHD-Load Games right out of UAE work's like charm.
    Maybe it's a iBook only problem. I just transfered my UAE-Files right from my dead Powermac where everything runed very well. Ok a little bit slower.
  • »09.02.14 - 14:18