• rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27

    pan1k wrote:
    I just did a fresh install on my G4 MDD. Same result. Maybe it's some kind of ASSIGN issue, but i'm following what you guys have done, no luck whatsoever.

    I even threw the fonts for Pagestream in the Softlogik folder and pointed the prefs there, no luck. Not sure what to do. I hate to ask Derek for a refund but.. I think I have spent at least 12 hours trying to "make" this work.

    Anything else I can try?

    PS my MDD G4 is running Morph 3.4 so I dont think its the version of Morph...

    I think there is no need to ask for a refund because PGS 4 works fine here since about 15 years! It must be something else... hmmm...

    You need to leave CSets dir where it ise but create a subdir in CSets "disabled" and move all the content in there. This is /CSets/disabled/ and the files

    Here are the assigns that I have in user-startup:

    ;BEGIN PageStream
    Assign PageStream: "System:PageStream" DEFER
    Assign PageStream3: "System:PageStream" DEFER
    Assign PageStream4: "System:PageStream" DEFER
    Assign SoftLogik: "PageStream:SoftLogik" DEFER
    Assign Fonts: "PageStream:SoftLogik/Fonts" ADD
    ;END PageStream

    MorphOS 3.4 works fine with PGS 4

    No need to copy anything else then the original dirs and files in the Softlogik dir, just leave the fonts in the fonts dir.

    In case you have an HHV.prefs file, please delete it. I'm not sure anymore (long time ago) but I remember that there where some issue with that.

    What we finally could do is, that I send you my prefs file and you try.

  • »12.09.14 - 05:21
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