• Caterpillar
    Posts: 35 from 2024/9/8

    jacadcaps wrote:

    Kidon wrote:
    Point d). Yep. I tried HFS+ and FAT32 with Disk Util, both with GUID, Apple Partition Map and MBR, as well as on a Win11 PC. Same error each time. There is something about wrong sectors size. You agree that only 2 things should be on the stick, right? morphos.iso and boot.img.


    jacadcaps wrote:
    Disk Utility *may* format the stick incorrectly, the commandline tool does a better job. It shouldn't matter if you have additional files on the stick - never did for me.

    What I meant is that is it or is it not necessary to copy all the files from the morphos.iso to the USB stick along with those two files (boot.img - PPC64 & morphos.iso)? Because when I burn morphos.iso to a CD, it just extracts and burns them, and you can't add the correct boot.img afterwards nor add the morphos.iso file by itself. Maybe that's why the CD isn't booting, nor bootable... The whole process is not very clear. It's more trial and error.

  • »12.09.24 - 01:23